Monday, January 31, 2011

Woman saints,

Women saints of the world

St. Ada

St. Adalsindis

St. Adalsindis

St. Adela

St. Adela

St. Adela

St. Adelaide

St. Adelaide

St. Adelaide of Bellich

St. AdeleSt. Adelina

Blessed Adeline

St. Adeloga

St. Adrian

St. Afra

St. Agape

St. Agatha

St. Agatha Kwon Chin-i

St. Agatha

St. Agatha Lin

St. Agathoclia

St. AgiaSt. Agia

St. Agilberta

St. Agnes

St. Agnes of Assisi

St. Agnes of Bohemia

St. Agnes De

St. Agnes of Assisi

St. Agnes of Boheinia

St. Agnes of Montepulciano

St. Agnes of Poitiers

St. Agnes of Rome

Bl. Agnes Takea

Bl. Agnes Tsao-Kouy

St. Agrippina

Bl. Alberto Marvelli

St. AlbinaSt. Alburga

St. AldegunaisSt. Aldo

St. Alena

Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa

St. AleydisSt. Alfreda

Bl. Alix Le Clercq

St. AlkeldSt. Almedha

St. AlodiaSt. Amabilis

St. Amalberga

St. Amata

Bl. Amata

St. Amelberga

St. Amelberga

St. Amelberga

St. Amunia

St. Anastasia

St. Anastasia II

St. Anastasia III

St. Anastasia Patricia

St. Anastasia the Patrician

St. AnatoliaSt. Angadresma

St. Angela Merici

Bl. Angela of Foligno

St. Angelo

Sts. Joachim and Anne

Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerick

Bl. Anne of Saint Bartholomew

St. AnneSt. Anne

Bl. Anne Jahouvey

St. Anne Line

Bl. Anne Mary Taigi

Bl. Annunciata Cocchetti

St. AnstrudisSt. Anthusa

St. Anthusa the Younger

Bl. Antoinette Roussel

St. Anysia

St. Apollinaris Syncletica

St. Apollonia

St. Apronia

St. Aquilina

St. Aquilina

Bl. Archangela Girlani

St. Archelais and Companions

St. Arilda

St. Arthelais

St. Ascelina

Bl. Ascension of the Heart of Jesus Nicol Goni

St. Asella

St. Asteria

St. Athanasia

St. Attalia

St. Attracta

St. Augusta

St. Aurea

St. Aurea

St. Aurea

St. Aurea

St. Aurelia

St. Austreberta

St. AvaSt. Balda

St. Baldegundis

St. Barbara

St. Bartholomea Capitanjo

St. Basilissa

St. Basilissa

St. Basilla

St. Bathildis

St. Beatrice da Silva Meneses

St. Beatrix da Silva

St. Bega

St. Begga

St. Belina

St. Benedicta

St. Benedicta

Bl. Berka Zdislava

St. Berlinda

St. Bernadette

St. Bernadette Soubirous

St. Bernardine of Siena

St. Bertha

St. Bertilia

St. Bertilia

St. Bertilla Boscardin

St. Bertoara

St. Bibiana

St. Bichier

St. Bilhild

St. Blaesilla

St. Blandina

St. Blath

Bl. Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro

St. BreacaSt. Bridget

St. Bridget of Sweden

St. Brigid

St. Brigid of Ireland

St. Bronach

St. Buriana

St. Caellainn

St. Caesarea

St. Caesaria

St. Caesarn

St. Camilla

St. Candida

St. Candida

St. Candida

St. Candida the Elder

St. Cannera

St. Carissima

Bl. Caritas Brader

Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne

St. CarmenSt. Casilda

Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz

Bl. Caterina Cittadini

Bl. Catherine of Pallanza

St. Catherine of Alexandria

St. Catherine of Bologna

St. Catherine de Ricci

St. Catherine Laboure

St. Catherine of Sweden

St. Catherine of Siena

St. Cecilia

St. Celine

St. Cera

St. Charitina

St. Charity

St. Chelidonia

St. Christina

Bl. Christina Visconti

St. CinniaSt. Clare

St. Clare of Montefalco

Bl. Clare of Rimini

St. Claudia

St. Claudine Thevenet

St. Cleopatra

St. Clotilde

St. Clotsindis

St. Cocca

St. Cocha

St. Cointha

St. Colette

St. Columba

St. Columba

St. Columba of Sens

St. Connat

St. Consortia

St. Cunegundes

St. Cunera

St. Cuthburga

St. Cyriaca

St. Cyriaca & Companions

St. Damhnade

St. Darerca

St. Darulagdach

Bl. Delphina

St. Demetria

St. Desiderius

St. Devota

Bl. Diana

St. Digna

St. Digna & Emerita

St. Dionysia

St. Dionysia

Bl. Dolores Rodriguez Sopena

Bl. Dolores Rodriguez Sopena

St. Domnina

St. Dorothy

St. Dorothy of Montau

St. Dula

St. Dulcissima

St. Dymphna

St. Eanfleda

St. Eanswida

St. Ebba

St. Ebba

St. Ebba

St. Edana

St. Edburga

St. Edburga

St. Edburga of Bicester

St. Edburga of Winchester

St. Edith of Polesworth

St. Edith Stein

St. Edith of Wilton

St. Edwen

St. Einhildis & Roswinda

St. Elfleda

St. Elfleda

St. Elfleda

St. Elgiva

St. Elined

St. Elizabeth

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Elizabeth of Schonau

St. Elizabeth of Portugal

St. Elizabeth Rose

St. Emerentiana

St. Emiliana

Bl. Emily Bicchieri

St. Emily de Rodat

St. Emily de Vialar

St. Emma

St. Encratia

St. Endellion

St. Epicharis


St. Ercongotha

St. Eremberta

St. Erentrude

St. Erentrudis

St. Erfyl

St. Ergnad

St. Ermelinda

St. Ermenberga

St. Ermengild

St. Ermengytha

St. Etheidreda

St. Etheidwitha

St. Ethelburga

Sts. Ethelburga, Ercongota, and Sethrida

St. Ethelburga

St. Ethelburga


St. Ethelgiva

Saint Ethelreda (Audrey)

St. Eugenia

St. Eugenia

St. Eulalia of Merida

Sts. Eulampius and Eulampia

St. Euphrosyne

St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk

St. Eurgain

St. Eurosia

St. Eusebia

St. Eusebia

Bl. Eusebia Palomino Yenes

St. Eusebia

St. Eusebia

St. Eustadiola

Bl. Eustochium

St. Eustochium

St. Eustochium Calafato

St. Eutropia

Bl. Eva of Liege

St. Everild

St. Exuperantia

St. Fabiola

St. Faith

St. Faith (Foy, Fides)

St. Fanchea

St. Fara

St. Faustina

St. Febronia

St. Felicitas

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity

St. Felicula

St. Fina

St. Flavia Domitilla

St. Flora

St. Flora & Mary

St. Florentina

St. Foila

St. Franca Visalta

St. Frances Bizzocca

Bl. Frances Brideau

St. Frances de Croissy

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

St. Frideswide

St. Galla

St. Gaudentia

St. Gebetrude

St. Gemma Galgani

St. Genevieve

St. Georgia

St. Georgia

St. Germana Cousin

St. Gertrude

St. Gertrude of Hamage

St. Gertrude of Nivelles

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla

St. GibitrudisSt. Gladys

St. Glodesind

St. Gobnata

St. Godebertha

St. Gorgonia

St. GrataSt. GrimoniaOur Lady of GuadalupeSt. GudeliaSt. GudulaSt. GundelindisSt. Gundenis

St. Gwen

Sts. Harlindis and Relindis

Bl. Haseka (Hazeka)

Bl. Haseka (Hazeka)

St. Hedwig

St. Hedwig,

BlessedSt. Helena

St. Helena

St. Helen of Skovde

St. Helen of Skovde

St. Heliconis

St. Hereswitha

St. Hermione

St. Hieu

St. Hilaria

St. Hilda

St. Hilda

St. Hildegarde

St. Hildegard of Bingen

St. Hildegund

St. Hildelitba

St. Hildemarca

St. Honorata

St. Humbeline

St. Humilitas

St. Hunegund

St. Hunna

St. Hyacinth

St. Ia

St. Ia

Bl. Ida of Louvain

St. Illuminata

Blessed Imelda

St. Imma

Bl. Inez

St. Ingrid of Sweden

St. Irais

St. Irenaeus and Mustiola

St. Irene

St. Irene

St. Irene

St. Irmina

St. Isabel of France

St. Isberga

St. Isidora

St. Isidora the Simple

St. Ita

St. Jane Antide Thouret

St. Jane Elizabeth Bichier des Ages

St. Jane Frances de Chantal

St. Jane Gerald,

BlessedBl. Jeanne Jugan

St. Jessica

St. Mary of Egypt

Sts. Joachim and Anne

St. Joan of Arc

St. Joan de Lestonnac

St. Joanna

St. Joan of Valois

Bl. John Roche & Margaret Ward

Bl. Josaphata Michaelina Hordashevska

St. Josephine Bakhita

Bl. Joseph Leroux

Bl. Juana Maria Condesa Lluch

St. Jucunda

St. Jude Thaddaeus

St. Julia

Bl. Julia Salzano

St. Julia Maria Ledóchowska

St. Juliana of Nicomedia

St. Juliana Falconieri

St. Julian of Bologna

St. Juliana of Cumae

St. Juliana of Norwich

St. Juliana of Pavilly

St. Julia of Billiart

St. Julia of Merida

St. Julie Billiart

Bl. Juliette Verolot

St. Julitta

St. Justa and Rufina

St. Justina of Padua

St. Jutta

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha

St. Katharine Drexel

St. KenneraSt. Kennocha

St. KentigernaSt. Kevoca

St. KeyneSt. Kiara

St. KingaSt. Kinnia


. Kyneburga, Kyneswide, & Tibba

St. Landrada

St. Lasar

St. Laura

Bl. Laura Montoya Upegui

St. Laura

Bl. Laura Vicuna

St. LeaSt. Lelia

St. Leo & Juliana

St. Leocrita

St. Liberata

St. Limbania

St. Lioba

St. Louise de Marillac

St. Louis of Omura

Saint Lucy

Bl. Lucy

Bl. Lucy Chakichi

Bl. Lucy de Freitas

St. Lucy Filippini

St. Lutgardis

St. Luthfild

St. Luthgard

St. Lybe

St. Lydia Purpuraria

St. Lydwine

St. Macra

St. Macrina the Elder

St. Macrina the Younger

St. Madalberta

St. Madeleine Brideau

St. Madeleine Lidoine

St. Madeline Sophie Barat

St. Manechildis

St. Marana and Cyra

St. Marcella

St. Marcellina

St. Marciana

St. Marciana

St. Margaret

St. Margaret Bourgeoys

St. Margaret Bourgeoys

Bl. Margaret Fontana

St. Margaret of Antioch

Bl. Margaret of Castello

Bl. Margaret of Citta-di-Castello

St. Margaret Clitherow

St. Margaret of Cortona

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

St. Margaret of England

St. Margaret of Hungary

Bl. Margaret Pole

St. Margaret of Scotland

St. Margaret the Barefooted

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys

St. Marguerite d'Youville

Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist

Bl. Maria Christina Brando

Bl. Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala

Bl. Maria Ludovica de Angelis

Bl. Maria Teresa Ferragud Roig, and Blesseds Maria Jesus, Maria Veronica, and Maria Felicidad Masia

St. Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa

St. Maria de Cerevellon

St. Maria Dominic Mazzarello

St. Maria Francesca Gallo

St. Maria Giuseppe Rossello

St. Maria Goretti

Bl. Maria Liberata Pallota

St. Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi

St. Maria Magdalen of Canossa

St. Maria Michaela Desmaisieres

St. Mariana

St. Mariana de Paredes

Bl. Maria Pilar Martinez Garcia & Companions

St. Maria Soledad

Bl. Marie Rivier

St. Marie Claude Brard

St. Marie Croissy

St. Marie Dufour

St. Marie Hanisset

St. Marie Magdalen Desjardin

St. Marie Magdalen Fontaine

St. Marie Magdalen Postel

St. Marie Meunier

Bl. Marie of the Incarnation

Bl. Marie Rose Durocher

St. Marie Teresa Couderc

St. Marie Trezelle

St. Marina

St. Martha

St. Martha

St. Martha Wang

St. MartinaMartyrs of JapanMartyrs of LesbosMartyrs of Orange

St. Mary

Bl. Mary Bartholomea of Florence

Bl. Mary Angela Truszkowska

Bl. Mary Tokuan & Mary Choun

St. Mary Cleophas

St. Mary Di Rosa

Bl. Mary Guengoro

Bl. Mary MacKillop

St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota

St. Mary Magdalen Postel

St. Mary Magdelene

St. Mary Salome

Bl. Mary Tanaura

St. Mary the Consoler

St. Mary the Slave

Bl. Mary Tokuan & Mary ChounMary the Blessed Virgin

St. Mathilda

St. Matilda

St. Matrona

St. Maura

St. Maura Troyes

St. Maurontus

St. Maxellendis

St. Maxentia of Beauvais

St. Maxima

St. Mechtildis

St. Mechtildis of Helfta

St. Medana

St. Melangell

St. Melania

St. Melania the Elder

St. Melitina

St. Mella

St. Menefrida

St. Menehould

St. Menna

St. Merewenna

St. Merewenna

St. Merryn

St. Messalina

St. Milburga

St. Mildgytha

St. Mildred

St. Mildred

St. Modesta

St. Modwenna

St. Monegundis

St. Monennaa

St. MonessaSt. Monica

St. Mother Theodore Guerin

St. Morwenna


St. Namadia

Bl. Narcisa De Jesus Martillo Moran

Bl. Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran

St. Natalia

Bl. Nemesia Valle

St. Nennoc

St. Nicarete

Bls. Nicholas and Anne Giustiniani

St. Nino

St. Non

St. Notburga

St. Notburga

St. Notburga

St. Obitius

St. Odilia

St. Offa

St. Olga

St. Oliva

St. Olympias

St. Opportuna

Bl. Osanna of Cattaro

St. Osburga

St. Osmanna

St. Osmanna

St. Osyth

St. Paschasia

St. Patricia

St. Paula

St. Paula

St. Paula Frasinetti

St. Pega

St. Pelagia

St. Pelagia of Antioch

St. Pelagia of Tarsus

St. Perseveranda

St. Petronilla

St. Pharaildis

St. Philomena

St. Philomena

St. Phoebe

St. Photina

St. Pierre-Francois Neron

Bl. Pina Suriano

St. Placide Viel

St. Placidia

St. Platonides

St. Pomposa

St. Potamioene the Younger

St. Praxedes

St. Principia

St. Prisca

St. Priscilla

St. Pudentiana

St. Puicheria Augusta

St. Pusinna

St. Quiteria

St. Rachilidis

St. Radegunde

St. Regina

St. Reineldis

St. Relindis

St. Reparata

St. Restituta

St. Restituta of Sora

St. Rhipsime

St. Rhuddlad

St. Richardis

St. Richrudis

St. Rita

St. Rita Amada de Jesus

St. Rita of Cascia

St. Romana

St. Romlua

St. Rosalia

Bl. Rosalie Rendu

Bl. Rose

Bl. Rose Chretien

St. Rose of Lima

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

St. Rusticula

St. Saethryth

St. Salaberga

Bl. Salomea

Sts. Salome & Judith

St. Samthan

St. Samthann

St. Samthann

St. Saturnina

St. Savina

Bl. Savina Petrilli

St. Scholastica

St. Secundina

St. Senorina

St. Seraphina

St. Serapia

St. Serenus the Gardener

St. Severa

St. Severa

St. Sexburga

St. Sofia

St. Susanna

Sts. Syncletica

St. Tabitha

St. Talida

St. Tanca

St. Tarbula

St. Tarsicia

St. Tarsilla

St. Teath

St. Teresa Kim Im-i

St. Teresa of Avila

St. Teresa de los Andes

St. Teresa Margaret Redi

Bl.Teresa of Calcutta

St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars

St. Teresa of Portugal

St. Tetta

St. Thais

Sts. Thea & Valentina

St. Thecla

St. Thecla of Kitzingen

St. Theobald

St. Theoctiste

St. Theodichildis

St. Theodora

St. Theodora & Didymus

St. Theodora

St. Theodora

St. Theodora

St. Theodosia

St. Theodosia

St. Theorigitha (Tortgyth)

St. Theresa Coudere

Saint Therese of Lisieux

St. Thordgith

St. Tigridia

St. Tochmura

St. Trea

St. Triduna

St. Trypbaena

St. Tryphonia

St. Tudy

St. Tydfil

St. Ulphia

St. Ursula

Bl. Ursulina

St. Valentina & Thea

St. Valeria

St. Valeria

St. Venaranda

St. Verena

St. Veridiana

St. Veronica

St. Veronica Giuliani

St. Victoria

St. Victoria of Tivoli

St. Victoria of Tivoli

Blessed Victoria Strata

Bl. Vilana of Florence

Bl. Villana

St. Vincentia Maria Lopez Y Vicuna

St. Vincenza Gerosa

St. Vincenza Mary Lopez y Vicuna

St. Vissia

St. Vitalina

St. Walburga

St. Wastrada

St. Werburg

St. Werburga

St. Wiborada

St. Wilfretrudis

St. Wilfrida

St. Wilgefortis

St. Wiltrudis

St. Wiltrudis

St. Wiltrudis

St. Winebald

St. Winifred

St. Winifred

St. Withburga

St. Wivina

St. Wulfhilda

Bl. Yvette

St. Zdislava of Lemberk

St. Zita

St. Zita

Types of fish ,Spotted Rafae,

Spotted Raphael catfish

Spotted Rafael are easy to care for and are friendly, a perfect community fish. Spotted Rafael Catfish are a peaceful animal. They are a solitary fish that will generally not bother other tank mates.
Its Scientific Name is Agamyxis pectinifrons. It belong to the Family of Doradidae. Origin is from South America. Its diet includes Live foods, pellet and tablet food occasionally. It is a Peaceful fish. Life Span is Unknown.

Types of fish ,Cichlid - Rusty,Iodotropheus sprengerae,Cichlidae,Africa,

Cichlid - Rusty

The lovely Rusty Cichlid is a peaceful, Mbuna type Cichlid that can make an impressive addition to many aquariums. These fishes are very popular with the hobbyists because of their bright colors and interesting breeding habits. They do not remain in a specific area of their habitats; rather, they range through top, middle, and bottom levels of their tanks. Rusty Cichlids should not be kept with aggressive fish, or they could be bullied.
Scientific Name is Iodotropheus sprengerae. Family belongs to Cichlidae. Originated from Africa. It is Omnivorous- feed live, frozen and flake foods. It a Peaceful fish. Life Span is Unknown.

Ghost fish ,Types of fish ,Catfish - Ghost,internal organs and the skeleton,Kryptopterus bicirrhis, Siluridae

Catfish - Ghost

Glass Cat, a unique fish. Its body allows to see its internal organs and the skeleton. The Glass Catfish is a great community fish, if kept in a large enough tank. They will generally not bother other fish, unless they are small enough to be eaten. They should not be kept with fry, as the Glass Catfish will eat them.
The Scientific Name is Kryptopterus bicirrhis. Belong to the Family of Siluridae. Origin is from Asia (East Indies (Indonesia) to Thailand and Cambodia).
They all are Very active, peaceful. Life Span is Unknown.

Type of fish ,Koi, National Fish of Japan ,Cyprinus carpio,Cyprinidae,


The Koi is the national fish of Japan. Koi need to be kept in very large aquariums or ponds where they can reach their full adult length of three feet or more. Koi come in a variety of colors and patterns. The color of Koi will change depending on the food chemicals present. The Scientific Name of this type is Cyprinus carpio. Belongs to the family of Cyprinidae. Origin is from Japan. Diet inludes Vegetables, live foods, Frozen, tablet and pellet foods. Koi are aggressive eaters, but peaceful a fish. Life Span is 60 years.

Types of fish,Betta,freshwater fish ,Cambodia, Thailand,Belontiidae,frozen foods


Betta is one of the most beautiful freshwater fish and one of the famous aquarium fish. Male Betta is perhaps the best looking of all freshwater fish. Perhaps the most recognized is the male with his splendid colors. Bettas are known jumpers and their tanks must be covered.
The Scientific Name of this group is Betta splendens. Belongs to the Family of Belontiidae. Originated from Cambodia, Thailand. It Diet includes Live foods, flakes, frozen foods, daphnia. It is Peaceful towards other fish but males will not tolerate each other. Life Span is 2-3 years.

Types of fish ,Angel Fish,freshwater tropical fish,Pterophyllum scalare,Omnivorous,Amazon region

Angel Fish

Among the most beautiful freshwater tropical fish, the Angel fish comes in many varieties and attractive colours. They grow to large size, and live for years.They comprise of two general groups. One group consists of fishes with different finnage, of which there are two types, normal-finned and long-finned. The basic colours are black and silver. While the fish are young they are fine in a community tank, however they need a larger tank as they grow in size.
The Scientific Name of this type is Pterophyllum scalare. Belong to the family of Cichlidae. Originated from Amazon region of South America. It is Omnivorous, eat frozen and flake foods. It is Normally peaceful, but gets aggressive when spawning and guarding fry. Life Span is 10 years.

Types of fish ,Loaches,Clown Loaches,Yoyo Loaches,Zebra Loaches,Cobitidae,Sumatra, Borneo


There are numerous species of loaches available to aquarists today. Some of the more popular species are Clown Loaches, Yoyo Loaches, Zebra Loaches, and Dojo Loaches. They are very hardy, well adaptive aquarium members.
Its Scientific Name is Botia macracanthus. Belongs to the family of Cobitidae. It is Originated from Sumatra, Borneo. It is a Carnivore. It is a Peaceful community fish, active during the day. Its Life Span is unknown.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Types of fish,Arowanas ,Dragon Fish ,South America,Osteoglossidae.


Arowanas are often called Dragon Fish or Arrowanas. Two barbels, which range in color from black to blue to green to red, are located on the lower jaw. Dark gravel in a aquarium with a very large surface area is recommended. The tank should be well-covered because they are fine jumpers.
Its Scientific Name is Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. It is from the Family of Osteoglossidae. Its Origin is from South America. Can be seen in Tropical region. Its diet is Pellets and flakes. It is a Carnivore. Predatory towards small surface fish. Otherwise relatively peaceful for a large fish. Life Span is Unknown.

Types of Fish ,Butterflyfish - Lemon,Chaetodon miliaris,Indo-Pacific,seafoods

Butterflyfish - Lemon

The Lemon Butterfly Fish is an amazing specimen that can add a showy quality to many saltwater aquariums. Its Scientific Name is Chaetodon miliaris. It is from the Family of Chaetodontidae. Its origin is from Indo-Pacific. Its Diet is Chopped seafoods, Carnivore. Most Lemon Butterflies get on well with other fish. The fish is mainly yellow with many dark spots on its sides forming vertical stripes. It has a black bar through the eyes and its fins are yellow. These are good community fish that are adored by many marine enthusiasts.

Types of fish,Goby ,Gobiosoma oceanops

Goby - Neon

Though they do not seem to pay other fish in their aquariums much attention, they are territorial amongst themselves, though rarely aggressive. Its Scientific Name is Gobiosoma oceanops. It is from Gobiidae Family It is originated from Caribbean. Its Diet - Neon Gobies should be offered foods small enough to fit in their mouths. Often, mysis shrimp or brine shrimp are appropriate. They are Peaceful. These lovely, peaceful little fish can make good additions to many reef or fish tanks. Neon Goby is also quite hardy, making it ideal for any marine hobbyist.

Types of fish ,Goldfish ,Carassius auratus,Cyprinidae Family ,Cold Water Fish,Flake and pellet foods


The Goldfish is the most commonly kept aquarium fish in the world. Goldfish can be found in a number of varieties and colors. Careful maintenance is needed for good health. They need to be in tanks that are not crowded and gives them sufficient swimming room and they do best if they are kept with their own types.
Their Scientific Name is Carassius auratus. They are from Cyprinidae Family They originated from China It is a Cold Water Fish. Its Diet is Flake and pellet foods. Its Life Span is 7 years.

Types of fish ,Gourami, Powder blue ,Ganges, Jumna, Bramaputra rivers,Omnivore

Powder Blue Gourami

This type of fish is suited to smaller aquariums, as well as community aquariums because of their peaceful nature. They should not be kept with very large or aggressive fish. Provide plenty of vegetation, including floating plants that cover part of the surface of the water.Scientific Names is Colisa lalia.belong to the Family of Belontiidae. Origin is from Ganges, Jumna, Bramaputra.rivers.It is Omnivore,will eat frozen shrimp and worms foods.Its life Span is from 3 to 4 years.

Cats, ancient Egyptians, Pedigree and non pedigree domestic pet cats,Working cats ,Feral cats,


Cats, are believed to be first domesticated by the ancient Egyptians over 8,000 years ago around 2600 BC. Theywere later venerated as a sacred animal and were even mummified by the Egyptians when they died. It was only in the 19th century that the first pedigree (with a family lineage) breeds were developed. The Domestic cat is one of the 38 species of the cat family or Felidae. They are the descendants of maybe three or four of the wild Felidae species, foremost of which is the Felis silvestris lybica or the African Wild cat. Besides the Pedigree and non pedigree domestic pet cats, there are the Working cats kept for their rodent catching asbility and the Feral cats, the descendants of cats which at one time have been domesticated at least to some extent.
Cats are very independent among the pets, living by their own set of rules. But they need and value companionship and make wonderful pets.These quiet creatures groom themselves and come in a wide variety of colors, coats and generally placid temperaments. Most of them are best suited to indoor as well as outdoor life. You can make a good relationship with these pets and develop mutual understanding, tolerance and respect.

FISH,gopi,Tropical fish ,Coldwater fish ,Freshwater fish ,guppy, molly, swordtail, angelfish


There are over 25,000 species of fish. Fish at large are divided into three groups; bony, cartilaginous and jawless fish, the size ranging from a 45 foot (whale shark) to a 8 mm long (dwarf gopi).
In the home aquariumFour types of fish are kept They are
Tropical fish - are fish that live in either salt or freshwater but needs a warm (tropical) medium or temperature to live.
Coldwater fish - these fish can be salt or fresh water fish which needs colder water temperatures. Marine fish - these are fish that live in salty seawater. Most commonly, marine fishes need tropical climate.
Freshwater fish - these fish live in freshwater and are usually the fish that you would find in inland rivers and streams of most continents. They can be as colourful as marine fish and yet need less care. Most freshwater fish in the ornamental hobby are tropical fish, which require a heater.
So,the types of fishes are Tropical Freshwater species, Tropical Marine species, Coldwater Fresh water species and Coldwater Marine species. Broadly the most common classification is Fresh water fish and Marine water fish. Some of the most common fresh water aquarium fishes are the gold fish, Koi (common carp), guppy, molly, swordtail, angelfish etc. Among the Marine aquarium fish species, damsel fish, clown fish (anemone fish) etc are best for beginners where as dragonets and lionfish should be kept only by experienced breeders with large tanks. Sharks, rays, batfishes etc should be avoided. Fresh water species are easier to keep than marine species.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

solar eclipse ,Earth,Moon,Sun,hybrid eclipse ,Sun's diameter ,Diamond Ring,umbra,orbit,draconic month


As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially covers the Sun as viewed from a location on Earth. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. At least two, and up to five, solar eclipses occur each year.The solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, in Europe helped to increase public awareness of the phenomenon.The last total solar eclipse was the solar eclipse of July 11, 2010; the next will be the solar eclipse of November 13, 2012. The recent solar eclipse of January 4, 2011, was a partial eclipse , the next partial eclipse will occur on June 1, 2011.A total solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon. Nevertheless, in ancient times, and in some cultures today, solar eclipses have been attributed to supernatural causes or regarded as bad omens. A total solar eclipse can be frightening to people who are unaware of their astronomical explanation, as the Sun seems to disappear during the day and the sky darkens in a matter of minutes.

There are four types of solar eclipses:
A total eclipse occurs when the dark silhouette of the Moon completely obscures the intensely bright disk of the Sun, allowing the much fainter solar corona to be visible. During any one eclipse, totality only occurs at best in a narrow track on the surface of the Earth. An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is
smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the outline of the Moon. A hybrid eclipse (also called annular/total eclipse) shifts between a total and annular eclipse. At some points on the surface of the Earth it appears as a total eclipse, whereas at others it appears as annular. Hybrid eclipses are comparatively rare. A partial eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are not exactly in line and the Moon only partially obscures the Sun. This phenomenon can usually be seen from a large part of the Earth outside of the track of an annular or total eclipse. However, some eclipses can only be seen as a partial eclipse, because the umbra passes above the Earth's polar regions and never intersects the Earth's surface. The Sun's distance from the Earth is about 400 times the Moon's distance, and the Sun's diameter is about 400 times the Moon's diameter. Because these ratios are approximately the same, the Sun and the Moon as seen from Earth appear to be approximately the same size: about 0.5 degree of arc in angular measure.The Moon transiting in front of the Sun as seen from STEREO-B on February 25, 2007 at 4.4 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.The Moon's orbit around the Earth is an ellipse, as is the Earth's orbit around the Sun; the apparent sizes of the Sun and Moon therefore vary. The magnitude of an eclipse is the ratio of the apparent size of the Moon to the apparent size of the Sun during an eclipse.
An eclipse that occurs when the Moon is near its closest distance to the Earth can
be a total eclipse because the Moon will appear to be large enough to cover completely the Sun's bright disk, or photosphere. Slightly more solar eclipses are annular than total because, on average, the Moon lies too far from Earth to cover the Sun completely. A hybrid eclipse occurs when the magnitude of an eclipse changes during the event from smaller than one to larger than one—or vice versa—so the eclipse appears to be total at some locations on Earth and annular at other locations.
Because the Earth's orbit around the Sun is also elliptical, the Earth's distance from the Sun similarly varies throughout the year. This affects the apparent sizes of the Sun and Moon in the same way, but not so much as the Moon's varying distance from the Earth. When the Earth approaches its farthest distance from the Sun in July, a total eclipse is somewhat more likely, whereas conditions favour an annular eclipse when the Earth approaches its closest distance to the Sun in January.

Central eclipse

A central eclipse is an eclipse during which the central line of the umbra touches the Earth's surface. It is possible, though extremely rare, that part of the umbra intersects with Earth (thus creating an annular or total eclipse), but not its central line. This is then called a non-central total or annular eclipse.[9] The next non-central solar eclipsewill be on April 29, 2014. This will be an annular eclipse. The next non-central total solar eclipse will be on April 9, 2043.
The phases observed during a total eclipse are called:
First Contact — when the moon's shadow first becomes visible on the solar disk. Some also name individual phases between First and Second Contact e.g. Pac-Man phase. Second Contact — starting with Baily's Beads {caused by light shining through valleys on the moon's
surface} and the Diamond Ring. Almost the entire disk is covered. Totality — with the shadow of the moon obscuring the entire disk of the sun and only the corona visible Third Contact — when the first bright light becomes visible and the shadow is moving away from the sun.
Again a Diamond Ring may be observed
The diagram of the solar eclipse shows the alignment of the Sun, Moon and
Earth during a solar eclipse. The dark gray region below the Moon is the umbra, where the Sun is completely obscured by the Moon. The small area where the umbra touches the Earth's surface is where a total eclipse can see. The larger light gray area is the penumbra, in which only a partial and annular eclipses can
The Moon's orbit around the Earth is inclined at an angle of just over 5 degrees to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun (the ecliptic). Because of this, at the time of a new moon, the Moon will usually pass above or below the Sun. A solar eclipse can occur only when the new moon occurs close to one of the points (known as nodes) where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic.The Moon orbits the Earth in approximately 27.3 days, relative to a fixed frame of reference. This is known as the sidereal month. However, during one sidereal month, the Earth has revolved part way around theSun, making the average time between one new moon and the next longer than the sidereal month: it isapproximately 29.5 days. This is known as the synodic month, and corresponds to what is commonly called the lunar month.
A Total eclipse in the umbra.B Annular eclipse in the antumbra.C Partial eclipse in the penumbraThe Moon crosses from south to north of the ecliptic at its ascending node,
and vice versa at its descending node. However, the nodes of the Moon's orbit are gradually moving in aretrograde motion, due to the action of the Sun's gravity on the Moon's motion, and they make a completecircuit every 18.6 years. This means that the time between each passage of the Moon through the ascending node is slightly shorter than the sidereal month. This period is called the draconic month.
Finally, the Moon's perigee is moving forwards in its orbit, and makes a complete circuit in about 9 years.The time between one perigee and the next is known as the anomalistic month.

Kannada Wedding ,rituals,D-Day,

Kannada Wedding Ceremony

Kannada wedding is the marriage of kannadigas, as the people of Karnataka call themselves, and is based on their regional cultures and traditions. Kannada wedding ceremony is full of fun and frolic. Though simple and least colorful, it is based on culture and faith on God. One of the most prominent features about the Kannada wedding is the practice of numerous rituals performed pre, per and post wedding day. Much before the wedding ceremony is due to take place; all the members in the family are engaged in preparations and organizations that are quintessential. The rituals practiced are simple and allow the families to have a good time together.
Traditionally, wedding celebrations in India extend almost a week long and incorporates pre-wedding, wedding and post wedding rituals. In Karnataka, marriage is a lengthy affair and constitutes of many rituals that are practiced before the actual D-Day.
The Kannada wedding, that takes place in Karnataka, is marked by a number of unique rituals, which are practiced before, on and after the wedding day. Kannada wedding, unlike the resplendent marriage which takes place in other parts of India, is a simple affair.
While mostly the days before the actual day is spent preparing and organizing for the day, post wedding rituals are far more relaxed and are mostly involved with welcoming the new bride.

Telugu Wedding ,astrologer,muhurtham,pujas,mangalsutra,

Telugu Wedding Ceremony

The traditional Telugu wedding ceremony is an elaborate affair, wherein a number of rituals are conducted before, during and after the marriage. The preparations for the festive occasion start with the finalization of the wedding date, which is done well before the 'important day'. As a part of the customary, the Telugu people call on an astrologer to fix a date and time (muhurtham) for the auspicious occasion. This paves the way to the commencement of the preparations for the wedding, which are done in the most elaborate, colorful and vivacious way.
All the rituals conducted throughout the Telugu wedding ceremony hold religious significance. Some people also conduct a couple of pujas prior to the wedding. This makes Telugu marriage a marvelous event to witness. One would be keen in looking at the way the bride is handed over to the groom by her father (kanyadaan) and the methods by which the groom ties the mangalsutra around her neck.
In Andhra Pradesh, the Telugu people follow their own traditions, while conducting a wedding. The bride's maternal uncle and her brother play a prominent role at the time of the her marriage.
The post-wedding rituals observed by the Telugu speaking people in India are very charming to look at. After the wedding ceremony is over, the bride enters the groom's house formally. She is given a hearty welcome by the groom's family members. The uniting of mangalsutra takes place after a fortnight.

Tamil Wedding ,religious observance,rituals,pre-marriage rituals ,oonjal, kashi yatra ,kanyaadaan,wedding knot,grihapravesh,

Tamil Wedding Ceremony

Tamilians have their own rituals followed before, during and after the wedding, which look very vibrant. All the customs are followed with religious observance. All the people, friends and relatives have the festive mood, which is set by the ceremony. The ambience is filled with happiness and celebration. The festive spirits are boosted up among the people, witnessing the ceremony, by the colorful and elaborate rituals that are conducted before, during and after the marriage.
The pre-marriage rituals followed by the Tamil speaking Brahmins include fasting, puja and exchange of gifts. The groom is received by the family of the bride. The wedding ceremony is also elaborate, which incorporates the rituals such as oonjal, kashi yatra and kanyaadaan (wherein the bride sits on the lap of her father). Post-marriage, the bride and the groom are given treats and gifts. After swearing in as the wife, the bride enters the groom's home to prosper his life there. This is the way most of the marriages are conducted among the Tamil speaking Brahmins in India and all over the world.
Before the wedding day, people (including the family members of the prospective bride and the groom) are engaged in the preparations of the ceremony, which is considered a very important turning point in the couple's life. This is the reason why, marriage is given supreme importance and a number of ceremonies are conducted before, during and after it.
Tamil wedding rituals involve a number of ceremonies that are performed to ensure that the bride and the groom, who are going to tie the wedding knot, enter their new phase of life in the most elegant manner.
After organizing an enthralling wedding ceremony, the family of the bride and the groom head towards preparing the venue for the post-wedding celebrations. While grihapravesh is the post-marriage custom common in almost every region in India, the Tamil Brahmins have their own way of culminating the auspicious ceremony.

Wedding ,Punjabi wedding,Roka,celebrations,Mehndi ceremony,Bhangras,Giddas,kanyadaan,Vidaai , groom’s and bride’s house,Ashwirwad ceremony

Punjabi Wedding Ceremony

Punjabis are large hearted people who love splendor and grandeur. They are also keen on festivals and celebrations. This nature of Punjabis also reflects in their marriage celebrations. Like other Indian weddings, a Punjabi marriage ceremony is very ritualistic but also full of fun and frolic. It is in fact one of the most colorful and musical marriage ceremonies in the country. Each ceremony is like an excuse for merriment.
A Punjabi wedding ceremony begins with Roka which is very much like an engagement ceremony where both the family for the first time formally announces the marriage. This is followed by celebrations like ‘Sagan’ and ‘Chunni Chadana’ performed at the groom’s and bride’s family respectively. The joy of a Punjabi wedding begins with the Sangeet and Mehndi ceremony . Bhangras and Giddas is also colorful. Like other Hindu weddings phere and kanyadaan are important rituals of a Punjabi Wedding. A Punjabi Wedding ceremony solemnizes with Mangal Pheras and the bride is departed to her in laws home that very day.

Post-Wedding Punjabi Rituals

Punjabis love celebrations. Even after few days of marriage, the celebrations at the groom’s and bride’s places are on. The post wedding celebrations start right after the solemnization of marriage at the Mandap. Preparations for Vidaai and Ashwirwad ceremony go hand in hand. Once the couple is blessed by all the elderly people at home, the brother of the bride accompanies the couple for Vidaai to the main exit of their home.

Monday, January 3, 2011

India Film Personalities ,Dimple Kapadia,Jaya Bachchan,Madhuri Dixit,Preity Zinta,Sharmila Tagore,Aishwarya Rai,Abhishek Bachchan,Kamal Haasan,Shahruk

Film Personalities in India

Indian film industry is on its zenith . When it comes to entertainment, films have been playing a vital role. The prosperity of this industry can be attributed to a large number of people such as directors, producers, musicians and the film actors. Indian film personalities enjoy great stardom and infact, their work is appreciated not just in India, but also they have been gaining popularity abroad. There are numerous personalities who have made an immense contribution in the popularity and growth of the Indian film industry. They are as follows:-

Dimple Kapadia

Jaya Bachchan



Madhuri Dixit


Preity Zinta

Rani Mukherjee


Shabana Azmi

Sharmila Tagore

Smita Patil

Sri Devi

Sushmita Sen

Aishwarya Rai

Bipasha Basu

Hema Malini

Raj Kapoor

Priyanka Chopra

Amitabh Bachchan

Aamir Khan

Abhishek Bachchan

Dilip Kumar


Guru Dutt

Hrithik Roshan

Dev Anand

Kamal Haasan


Mithun Chakraborty




Shahrukh Khan

Sivaji Ganesan

Satyajit Ray

Indian Entrepreneurs ,Dhirubhai Ambani,Adi Godrej,JRD Tata,M.S. Oberoi,Mukesh Ambani,Ratan Tata

Indian Entrepreneurs

Dhirubhai Ambani

JRD Tata

Adi Godrej

Anil Ambani

Dr. K. Anji Reddy

Azim Premji

Bhai Mohan Singh

B.M. Munjal

Ekta Kapoor

Ghanshyam Das Birla

Karsanbhai Patel

Kiran Mazumdar Shaw

K.P. Singh Kumar Mangalam Birla

Lalit Suri

M.S. Oberoi

Mukesh Ambani

Nandan Nilekani

Narayana Murthy

Naresh Goyal

Dr. Pratap Reddy

Rahul Bajaj

Ramalinga Raju

Ratan Tata

Raunaq Singh

Shiv Nadar Subhash Chandra

Subroto Roy

Sunil Mittal

Tulsi Tanti

Verghese Kurien

Vijay Mallya

Mallika Srinivasan

Naina Lal Kidwai

Shahnaz Hussain

Sulajja Firodia Motwani

Shobhana Bhartia