Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Amazing General Knowledge

An Amazing General Knowledge

Do you know this ?

1. The world’s first University was established in Takshila ,India in 700B C

2. Machilapattanam was the first Trading Post of the British East India Company in India, Where a factory was build in 1611

3. The word “Navy” is derived from the Latin Word ‘Navis’ means a fleet of ships.

4. The state of Punjab (meaning land if five rivers )gets its name from the fact that five Tributaries of the river Indus- Jhelum, Chenab,Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej – run through the State

5. Farkhor Air Base is the only Indian Military Base situated in a foreign Country , at Farkhor in Tajikisthan

6. Infosys (Infosys Technologies Ltd) didn’t have a computer in its first two years of existence.

7. India has not invaded any country in her last 10,000 years of history.

8. The Zero was invented by the Indian Mathematician Aryabhatta.

9. Most bats feed on insects ,but fruitbats feed on fruits.

10 Kittens are born with both eyes and ears closed. When the eyes open, they are always blue at first. They change colour over a period of months to the final eye colour.

11.Skunks can shoot their bad-smelling spray only about two yards ,but you can smell it up to two and a half miles away.

12.A rhinoceros beetle can support up to 850times its own weight on its back . That would be the equivalent of a man carrying 76 family –sized cars around on his back.

13.In Cleveland ,Ohio, it’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.

14.Yak’s milk is pink in colour .

15.Roman Soldiers are not allow to marry.

16.Zebras graze in the company with Giraffes and Ostriches . The hearing and the sense of smell of Zebras and the vision of giraffes form a perfect defence system against other beasts.

17.The foods that contain the most energy are foods made of animal fat ,such as butter. Vegetables have the least energy.

18.A fly see the world through a pair of very complex eyes known as compound eyes.

19. Japan has 53 working nuclear reactors and is planning to build another 12.

20.Asia has more people than any other continent .In fact ,two out of every three people on Earth live in Asia .

21. The first Vessel to sail around the world was the Spanish Ship Vittoria The voyage took 3 years from 1519 to 1522.

22.Louis XIV ,King of France ,ruled his country for longer than any of the king or queen in Europe. He came to the throne when he was only 5 years old and ruled for 72 years.

23.Seahorse has been described as having the head of a horse, the tail of a monkey , the pouch of a kangaroo ,the hard outer skeleton of an insect and the independently moving eyes of a chameleon.

24.The people of the United States are the world’s greatest energy user’s.

25. Most mollusces are capable of making pearls when foreign substances enter their shell. They coat the foreign substance with a shelly material , the same as the lining of their shell Some mollusks can grow pearls as big as golf balls. It lakes a commercial pearl oyster about 2 years to grow big enough to be of use to us as jewellery. The older and bigger the pearl the most valuable it becomes.

26. Indians talk more than anyone else in the world.

27. Japanese custom of bowing carries different meanings at different ankles . A bow at an angle of five degrees means “Good Day”(Simple Greeting ) A bow at an angle of fifteen degrees is also a common salutation .A bit more formal , It means “Good Morning”. A bow at an angle of thirty degrees is a respectful sign to indicate appreciation for akind gesture. A bow at an angle of forty five degree angle is used to convey deep respect or an Apology

28. Giraffes have no vocal cords .

29 Mosquitoes are attracted to the colour blue twice as much as to any other colour.

30. White cats with blue eyes are usually deaf.

31. Dogs and humans are the only animals with prostate glands

32. The words chocolate and tomato are derived from the language spoken by the Aztees over five centuries ago.

33. Pigs can cover a mile in 7.5 minutes when running at top speed.

34. The owl can catch a mouse in utter darkness , guided only by tiny sounds made by its prey

35. Deserts plants , like cactus ,developed sharp spines as protection from animals

36. The largest Pearl ,The Pearl of Laozi ,in Philippines Weighed more than 6.37 kg .Its cost $33million

37. Macaroni, Gentoo ,Chinstrap and Emperor are types of Penguins.

38. Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale

39. Elephants and camels both have four knees .

40. The only two animals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot.

41.The plain coloured Flower Pecker is the smallest and lightest bird.It is only 7cm long and weighs 4-5 grams only.

42.The brown -throated Spinetailed Swift is the swiftest bird.Its speed is 250-300km/hr.

43.The Saurus Crane has the lomgest legs measuring 31-35 cm

44.The peregrine Falcon is the fastest diver .It dives at aspeed of 360km/hr.

45.Dolphins sleep with one eye open a all times.

46.Polar bears have hair on the soles of their feet to prevent them from slipping on the ice.

47.A horseshoe crab is the only animal that chews its food with its legs.

48.A gorilla sticks its tongue out to show anger

49.A humming bird is the only bird that can fly backwards .Like a helicopter ,it is also able to fly up and down ,and it can hang in mid- air.

50.Rats can survive longer without water than camels.

51.A rhinoceros horn is made of compressed hair and situated towards the end of the nose.

52.Most snakes can live without eating for a year.

53.The female butterfly dies after it has laid eggs .

54.A horse can sleep even while standing.

55.A cuttlefish has three hearts .

56.Insects are the only creatures without backbones that are able to fly.

57. Sloths are 'Upside-down animals that hang from the branches of tropical trees. They eat and sleep in this position and rarely fall down.

58.Like most animals ,bulls are colour blind.The bull charges when he sees a moving object ,like a toreador's red sheet. It is the movement of the sheet, not the colours which angers the bull.

59.All bats ,whether they fly during the night or day ,have excellent eyesight .

60.The reason why hair turns gray as we age is because the pigment cells in the hair follicle start to die,which is responsible for producing "melanin"which gives the hair colour.

61.People with blue eyes see better in the dark.

62.Orang-utans nurture their young for longer periods than any other species except humans.

63.The inland Taipan is the most venomous land snake in the world .

64.A female ostrich shows a remarkable ability to recognize her own eggs even when mixed with those of other females in their communal nest .

65.a chicken withh red earlobes will produce brown eggs , and a chicken with white earlobes will produce white eggs .

66.A lion is a digitigrade, or toe walker;that is his heel doesn't touch the ground .

67.Most lions drink water daily if available , but can go four or five days without it.Lions in arid areas seem to obtain needed moisture from the stomach contents of their prey.

68.The system of democracy was introduced 2500 years ago in Athens ,Greece. The oldest existing parliament is the Althing of iceland. It was established in 930A D.

69.The orang-utan gets its name from the Malaysian word for "man of the forest."

70.The Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most venomous spider in the world .

71.The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by humans .

72.Polar Bears have the reputation of being the onnly animal that will actively hunt animals .

73.Motor Cycles with an engine capacity of 50cc or less are called mopeds.At one time, machine like this had pedals as well as an engine.

74.Currency notes are not made from paper ,they are made mostly from a special blend of cotton and linen . In 1932, when a shortage of cash occured in Tenino,Washington,USA,notes were made out of wood for a brief period .

75.A crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew. Its digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail.

76.Harvard University was founded in 1636.

77.A pedrson can live without food for about a month , but only about a week without water.If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1% ,you will feel thirsty.If it's reduced by 10% , you'll die.

78.Astronomers use the word 'nebula ' for things that can be seen in the sky that are not stars but look like misty patches of light .Nebula comes from the latin word meaning 'Mist'The plural in Latin is nebulae.

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