It is believed that Shri Krishna took birth on the eighth day of half dark, that is, Krishna Paksha of the month of Shravana as per the Hindu Calendar. Shri Krishna was the eighth incarnation of God Vishnu on earth who took birth purposely to kill Kansa, who had created a havoc in the city of Mathura. King Kansa was already intimated, but couldn't revert his destiny. He knew that his sister's eighth son was going put an end to his life. He imprisoned Devaki and her husband for years till their eighth child was born. When it actually happened, the situation changed in a dramatic manner. The doors of the prison opened automatically and the father took baby Krishna to his friend and trustworthy Nanda. Since then, Krishna is widely known as the son of Yashoda & Nanda.
The date of the festival of Janmashtami varies in the Gregorian Calendar from the month of August to the month of September. Many people observe fast on the eve of Janmashtami, which is called as Saptami. Devotees remain wide awake all night, dance in order to rejoice among themselves and sing in praise of Lord Krishna. As soon as the clock strikes midnight, the ritual of bathing the idol with milk is performed. Then he is dressed in beautiful clothes and jewelry and is placed in the cradle to be worshiped. Sweets are offered to the deity and then distributed among the devotees.
People indulge in a lot of interesting Janmashtami activities. Krishna Bhaktas dance on the enchanting tunes of Krishna Bhajans. They organize an exquisite show of Krishna Jhaankis, which portraits the Rasa Lila in a mundane way. The most popular activity of Janmashtami is the custom of 'Dahi Handi'. The human tower trying to smash the Dahi Handi hanging on a high position above the ground is the most common scene on Ganesha Chaturthi on every nook and corner. The winning team wins great pizes. Although, the entire Hindu community is imbued with the colors of festivities of Janmashtami, but the charm of Vrindavan & Mathura celebrations has a new flavor altogether, being the hometown of Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna was multi faced and similar is the nature of celebrations of Janmashtami are. This festival gives us the opportunity to look within and realize the essence of our lives, which Shri Krishna gifted mankind in his teachings through Gita, the most sacred Hindu philosophy.
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