Advanced Management Programme 2011 at IIM, Calcutta
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta has invited applications for enrolling for Advanced Management Programme commencing on September 12, 2011.
The Programme is designed for top/senior level executives and decision makers of both public and private sector enterprises who assume or likely to assume corporate/board level responsibilities.
This Programme will help senior executives to:
1. Acquire a wider perspective of the multidimensional context for doing business;
2. Create a strategic vision that would enable them to develop structured responses to an unpredictable and dynamic technological and business environment;
3. Analyze emerging opportunities, available resources and the effectiveness of organizational structures, systems and processes;4. Formulate and implement corporate policies to gain competitive advantage.
AMP 2011 will be in two modules. Nominations can be sent either for both the Modules or for only the first Module (Module-I).
Module-I: Two week On-Campus Programme.Venue: Management Development Centre, Tata Hall, IIM Calcutta, Joka, Kolkata.Duration: September 12 – 23, 2011.
Module-II: Foreign Study Tour at Germany, Switzerland, France and ItalyDuration: November 13– 27, 2011.
Programme Fee per participant
Module-I: Rs. 1,80,000/- + 10.3% service tax, total Rs. 1,98,540/-
Modules-I & II: Rs. 4,10,000/- + 10.3% service tax, total Rs. 4,52,230/-
Duly completed Enrolment Forms along with Account Payee Cheque or Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Indian Institute of Management Calcutta”, payable at Kolkata, should reach the following address on or before September 1st, 2011:Head – CMDP, Tata Hall, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata – 700 104
For details, visit the website
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