World Haemophilia Day - 17 April
17 April is World Haemophilia Day. This day is celebrated by haemophilia organisations around the world, and gives them an opportunity to increase awareness of haemophilia.
World Haemophilia Day was started in 1989. The World Federation of Haemophilia (WHF) chose 17 April in honour of WFH founder Frank Schnabel, who was born on that day.
It is a day for us to remember and reflect on the contributions of people like Frank Schnabel who have dedicated themselves to improving care for people with haemophilia. It is also a time for us to re-commit ourselves to continuing the fight to improve the quality of life of people with haemophilia around the world.
Hemophilia Can Be Reduced Through Awareness And Proper Treatment Even as the country focuses on headline-grabbing diseases, hemophilia, a little known blood disorder, is turning out to be a silent killer with over 50,000 people affected
World Hemophilia Day is observed every April 17 to promote a global effort to secure appropriate care and treatment for a disease
Birth defects
Birth defects can be defined as abnormalities of either structure, function or body metabolism present from the time of birth. It can be associated with varying degrees of mental and physical retardation. At times, it can be fatal to the survival of the child. It is a general notion that birth defects are a lifelong liability. Though this may be true in some cases, the truth is that many of the birth defects can be treated successfully. Some of them can even be prevented by appropriate protective measures.
Genetic Counseling
With approximately 2,000 genes identified and about 5, 000 disorders caused by genetic defects, genetic counseling is important in the field of medicine. An important aspect of genetic counseling sessions is the compilation of family Pedigree or medical history. Genetic counselors work with people concerned about the risk of an inherited disease (Huntington's disease, hemophilia). The counselor does not prevent the incidence of a disease in a family, but can assess the risk for certain hereditary disease and offer guidance.
Blood Donation
Blood and blood products are very precious, and it is the responsibility of every individual to realize the importance of blood donation, which is nothing less than a life saving attempt. Following the success of the World Health Day 2000 with the theme 'Blood Saves Lives', 14th June is observed as the World Blood Donors Day. The date coincides with the birth date of Karl Landsteiner, who discovered the ABO blood group system. Many generous Indians nationwide have become involved in the blood donation campaign. Together with the help of Several NGO's these blood heroes are ensuring that the safest possible blood is readily available whenever and wherever needed
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