International Labor Day May 1 2010
International Labor Day is a day observed all over the world on May 1 to celebrate the social and economic achievements of workers.In India and other countries like England, the day also has the significance as the spring fertility festival, so people celebrate it to honor goddess of spring. International Labor Day is celebrated with lots of joy and fervor in towns and villages. They celebrate fertility in the month of, May (spring) with village fetes and community gatherings. The most significant of the traditions is the traditional dances by men and women. Towns and villages in England plan huge celebration on the day.
In most of the countries like US and UK, it is a national holiday. In India, May 1, has also been declared a public holiday.The day has a historic significance which dates back to May 1 1886. On this International Labor Day several Labor unions all over the US decided to go on strike. They demanded a workday of eight hours to be accepted as a standard all over the US. In Chicago a bomb explosion planned by revolutionist led to the deaths and injury of over 100 people. Ultimately the protests proved fruitful and effective thus standardizing eight-hour work days as the new norm in many countries across the globe
International Labor Day is celebrated as a day for demonstrations, parades, and speeches. The International Labor Day is still often chosen as a day for protests and rallies. While the rallies are tried to be peaceful with all kinds of security arrangements, sometimes violence is erupted due to clash between militant groups and riot police. Sometimes there are marches for rights of thousands of workers on to the streets to mark May Day with demands for better Labor conditions.
Many Labor organizations across the country carry out processions and speeches are organized by various political parties. International Labor Day is one of the major holidays in US. The International Labor Day is also very significant in Russia and other communist countries. Now a day the celebration of this day is sometimes marked by the demand of economic and social reforms by the workers and trade unions to preserve their interests.But there is some difference in the celebration dates of the International Labor Day in different countries. In Germany, International Labor Day is celebrated on May 2. Violence has become a game of International Labor Day celebrations in Germany since the late 1980s.There is always brawl between far-Left youths and authorities.
In India, International Labor Day is observed as a national holiday. In Maharashtra, Labor Day is known as Maharashtra Diwas. In Poland, International Labor Day is celebrated on May 1 and termed as State Holiday. International Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in October in the New South Wales and South Australia. It is a public holiday on this day in Australia. International Labor Day is observed on the first Monday of the month, September in Canada.
The International Labor Day history in Canada can be dated back to a revolt in 1872 in Toronto. Since that day International Labor Day parades, picnics, fireworks displays, water activities, and public art events and picnics are organized by many unions in Canada. International Labor Day is a public holiday observed on the fourth Monday of October, in New Zealand. Its origin dates back to the movement that was started in Wellington colony in 1840. The demand was the eight hour working day.
The International Labor Day is also known as Eight-Hour Demonstration Day in New Zealand. International Labor Day is observed on the first Monday of September. It is a federal holiday in United States. International Labor Day is celebrated on May 1, in China, and is a public holiday. Previously, there used to be a full week holiday on account of International Labor Day. They use to combine weekends with three day holiday of International Labor Day. This week long holiday was marked by the striking consumption of shopping extravaganza. But now there is a single holiday observed International Labor Day.
International Labor Day Quotes
The end of labor is to gain leisure."- Aristotle
"Our mental make-up is suited to a life of very severe physical labor." - Bertrand Russell
"It is labour indeed that puts the difference on everything."- John Locke
"Heaven is blessed with perfect rest but the blessing of earth is toil."- Henry van Dyke
"If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend."- Doug Larson
"God sells us all things at the price of labor."- Leonardo da Vinci
"Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken."- Bill Dodds
"The man who doesn't relax and hoot a few hoots voluntarily, now and then, is in great danger of hooting hoots and standing on his head for the edification of the pathologist and trained nurse, a little later on."- Elbert Hubbard
"A bad day at work is better than a good day in hell."- Scott Johnson
"Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life."- Marc Chagall
"God give me work, till my life shall endAnd life, till my work is done." - Labour Day Quotes by Epitaph of Winifred Holtby
"Without labor nothing prospers."- Sophocles
"We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools."- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Labor was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased."- Adam Smith
"Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted."- A. Philip Randolph
"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."- Ovid
"Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another."- Anatole France
"In labor news, longshoremen walked off the piers today; rescue operations are continuing."- George Carlin
"A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity."- Thomas Jefferson
"The highest pleasure to be got out of freedom, and having nothing to do, is labor."- Mark Twain
"od give me work, till my life shall endAnd life, till my work is done."- Epitaph of Winifred Holtby
"The disease with which the human mind now labors is want of faith."- Unknown
Activities during Labor Day ,or May Day
Some countries commemorate this day on the first Monday of September.The labor day celebrations has its basis in Eight-hour day movement, which sponsored eight hours for recreation, eight hours for rest, and eight hours for work. It may be tricky to arrange a party for the Labor Day. And there are not many enjoyable symbols of labor. Mostly people don’t want to think about labor they simply think that they have time off from their work for the holiday. And some of them wish to think of the Labor Day as the ending of summer holidays for students.
Several, simply choose to decorate with same white, blue and red banners and flags that are applied to decorate for the Independence Day when making a plan for the Labor Day party. While some resourceful thought a unique pattern can appear for this vacation just similar to all of others. The Labor Day can be an unimportant holiday for that people who do not want to spend time for this holiday.
In placing of using left over flags why not merge these with items that imitate the place of work? An office employee might be equal to use old briefcase with the carnations for centerpiece. Possible the shirt, tie or tie cake pan that are utilized for the father’s day can be ornamented with the "Happy Labor Day" message. And a historic lunch container that a preferred precursor might have used could be a division of decorations for a blue collar tribute.
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