Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Phobia is the unreasonable ,unrealistic and excessive fear to a particular object ,objects or situation .Phobias may severely and adversely affect a person's life .Phobic individuals may spend much time worrying about their fears and may be too frightened to carry out normal activities.Psychoanalysis and behaviourial therapy are the two major approaches adopted for the treatment of Phobias .
Here are some :-

Fear of Accidents -Dystichiphobia

Fear of Aeroplane or flying- Aerophobia or Pterophobia

Fear of Animals- Zoophobia

Fear of Bacteria- Bacteriophobia

Fear of Beard- Pogonphobia

Fear of Beautiful women - Caligynephobia

Fear of Beds -clinophobia

Fear of Bees- Apiophobia or Melissophobia

Fear of Birds-Ornithophobia

Fear of being in or riding in vehicles-Amaxophobia

Fear of Blood -Haemophobia,or Haematophobia

Fear of Books - Bibliophobia

Fear of bridges or crossing-Geohyrophobia

Fear of Burial alive -Taphophobia

Fear of Cancer -Cancerophobia oy Carcinophobia

Fear of Cat -Gettophobia or ailurophobia

Fear of child birth-Maieusiophobia

Fear of Children - Paedophobia

Fear of Cholera -Cholerophobia

Fear of church-Ecclesiophobia

Fear of clouds -Nephophobia

Fear of Cold - Psycrophobia ,cryophobia

Fear of colors-Chromophobia

Fear of color red- Eurotophobia

Fear of comets -Cometophobia

Fear of Crossing the road - Agyrophobia

Fear of crossing the bridge-Gephyrophobia

Fear of crowds - Ochlophobia or demophobia

Fear of crystals -Crystallophobia

Fear of cyclones - Anemophobia

Fear of Dark -scotophobia or Nyctophobia

Fear of dancing-Chorophobia

Fear of Death or dead bodies- Necrophobia or Thanatophobia

Fear of Demons -Demonophobia,Bogiphobia

Fear of dentist -Dentophobia

Fear of Depth -Bathophobia

Fear of Deserts or dry places- Xerophobia

Fear of Dirt -Rupophobia or Mysophobia

Fear of dogs-Cynophobia

Fear of dust -Amathophobia

Fear of Drinking or drunkenness- Dispsophobia

Fear of Enclosures orconfined -Claustrophobia or Clithophobiaplace

Fear of empty spaces-Kenophobia

Fear of failure ,or defeat-Atychiphobia,kakorrhaphiophobia

Fear of fat people- cacomorphobia

Fear of females -Misogynism

Fear of Fire - pyrophobia

Fear of Fish - Ichthyophobia

Fear of fever- Febriophobia

Fear of floods -Antlophobia

Fear of Flowers and plants- Anthophobia

Fear of flutes-Aulophobia

Fear of Flying - Aerophobia or Aviatophobia

Fear of Fog - Homiclophobia

Fear of Foriegners-Xenophobia

Fear of Fur- Doraphobia

Fear of Germs- Microbiophobia

Fear of going to the doctor-Latrophobia

Fear of gold -Aurophobia

Fear of Ghosts- Psamophobia

Fear of Gravity-Barophobia

Fear of growing old -Gerascophobia

Fear of hair -Trichophobia

Fear of Heat - Thermophobia

Fear of Heights- Acrophobia

Fear of hell -Hadeophobia

Fear of Horses- Hippophobia or Aequinophobia

Fear of Hurricanes &Tornadoes -Litasphophobia

Fear of ice -Cryophobia

Fear of Illness - Nosophobia or pathophobia

Fear of imperfection-Atelophobia

Fear of inability to stand -Basophobia

Fear of infinity -Apeirophobia

Fear of Injections- Trypanophobia

Fear of Injury - Traumatophobia

Fear of Insects - Entomophobia

Fear of Insect Sting -Cnidophobia

Fear of justice-Dikephobia

Fear of lakes-Limnophobia

Fear of leprosy-Lepraphobia

Fear of Lightning -Astraphobia or Keronophobia

Fear of Lizards or Reptiles - Herpetophobia

Fear of Loneliness- Monophobia

Fear of Loud noises-Ligyrophobia

Fear of Madness- Maniaphobia or Lyssophobia

Fear of making decisions -Decidophobia

Fear of marriage-Gamophobia

Fear of Men - Androphobia

Fear of metal -Mettallophobia

Fear of Mice- Musophobia

Fear of Microbes-Bacillophobia

Fear of Mirrors-Catoptrophobia

Fear of Missiles-Ballistophobia

Fear of moon Lunaphobia

Fear of movement or motion-Kinetophobia

Fear of music -Melophobia

Fear of Name or particular word- Onomatophobia

Fear of narrowness -Anginophobia

Fear of needles -Belmomophobia,Enotophobia

Fear of Night - Nyctophobia

Fear of noise - Phonophobia

Fear of Novelty-Cainophobia

Fear of Number or Numbers -Numerophobia

Fear of Old Age - Gerascophobia

Fear of Open places -Agorophobia Or Xenophobia

Fear of Pain- Aglophobia or Odinophobia

Fear of Particular Place - Topophobia

Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth-Arachibutyrophobia

Fear of People and -Anthropophobia or Sociophobia - social situations

Fear of pleasure-Hedonophobia

Fear of poetry-Metrophobia

Fear of poisoning - Toxicophobia or Iophobia

Fear of pergnancy - Maieusiophobia

Fear of Priests - Heirophobia

Fear of punishment-Mastigophobia

Fear of Rain - Ombrophobia

Fear of ridicule -Katagelophobia

Fear of ruin -Atephobia

Fear of saints-Hagiophobia

Fear of Sea - Thalassophobia

Fear of Self - Autophobia

Fear of sermons -Homilophobia

Fear of sex -Genophobia

Fear of sexual love- Erotophobia

Fear of Sexual Intercourse - Coitophobia

Fear of sinning-Hamartophobia

Fear of Sitting - Cathisophobia

Fear of Sharks - Galeophobia

Fear of skin disease -Dermatophobia

Fear of Sleep - Hypnophobia

Fear of Snakes - Ophiophobia

Fear of Snow - Chinophobia

Fear of Space-Astrophobia

Fear of Speaking ,Public speaking-Lalophobia,Glossophobia

Fear of Speed -Tacophbia

Fear of spiders-Arachnophobia

Fear of staying single-Anuptaphobia

Fear of Streets/crossing streets -Dromophobia

Fear of Sunlight -Heliophobia

Fear of Surgery-Ergasiophobia orTomophobia

Fear of tastes/flavour -Geumophobia

Fear of Telling Lies-Mythophobia

Fear of Termites -Isopterphobia

Fear of Thieves - Cleptophobia

Fear of Thunder-Brontophobia or Tonitrophobia

Fear of Tornadoes -Lilapsophobia

Fear of touching or being touched-Aphephobia

Fear of Trains -Siderodromophobia

Fear of Travel -Hodophobia

Fear of Unpleasant body odours-Bromidrosiphobia

Fear of vomitting-Emitophobia

Fear of walking -Ambulophobia

Fear of Water or wetness-Hydrophobia or Aquaphobia

Fear of weakness -Asthenophobia

Fear of Wealth -Chrematophobia

Fear of wind -Ancraophobia

Fear of Women -Gynophobia

Fear of Worms -Helminthophobia or scoileciphobia

Fear of washing or bathing-Ablutophobia

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