Sunday, March 21, 2010

The world of insects, Insects,Amazing insects

Amazing Insects !!!
All of us have seen insects ,You may like them or be afraid of them ,but when you learn about them ,you will agree that they are fascinating .Insects belong to a group known as invertrebates ,because they have no backbone Among these invertrebrates insects belong to a group known as arthropods .
Insects are different from the other arthopods in that their bodies are divided in to 3 parts -the head ,chest and abdomen -and they have only 6 legs
Insects live everywhere .You will find them everywhere for example an insects lives right at the edge of the Niagra Falls But there is only one place we cannot find insects -Under the ocean because their body cannot survive in salt water .It is said that the average number of insects for each square mile of land equals the total number of people on earth .
Water strider,one insect can walk on water by using its long legs to help distribute its tiny body weight evenly.The weight is distributed over a large area so that the fragile skin formed on the surface of water supports the bug on water.
In the deserts there are different kinds of insects because the insect's body is suitable for desert life. The hard outer covering of an insect called the cuticle is made of a tough substance called as chitin . This covering traps moisture inside the insect's body so that they loose less moisture by evaporation .Water loss while breathing is also kept to a minimum .Most desert insects do not drink at all. They get enough moisture from their food.So, they do not have to spend time finding water holes.A lot of insect eggs are hidden underground.They wait for the rain to hatch,and come out only then At that time ,there are lots of fast growing plants and they have plenty of plants.When they comeout to the surface the baby insects grow and lay eggs quickly.These eggs will wait for the next rains.In that way some desert insects are able to escape from the harsh desert life and come out only when there is rain and food.
The earliest insect does not have wings Instead ,they glided from tree to tree ,using flaps attached to their bodies.Gradually these developed in to the wings.The power for flapping the wings is provided by the strong muscles in the insect's chest.These muscles come together and move apart rapidly ,making the wings move up and down.Other muscles at the base of the wings adjust the angle of each stroke ,thus allowing the insect to fly in the direction it wants to.Some insects have 2 wings ,Others have 4.
The insects use their mouth parts in different ways just like we use different tools for different purposes.Some insects use their mouth parts like cutting pliers ,to chew their food.The leaf cutting bee uses her mouth parts like shears to cut out round bits of rose leaves.Stag beetles use their mouth parts as weapons when they fight.The jaws of insects are used as scoops to gather mud,and as tongs to carry prey.They are used as drill to bore holes,and as a straw to suck blood or nectar,depening upon whether you are a mosquito or a butterfly.The Milkweed bug uses its mouth parts both as a pump to pump saliva into seeds and as a straw to suck up the dissolved food.
The insect's eyes is considered as one of the nature's wonders .If you look at an insect under a microscope ,we can see that it has two large eyes on either side of its head.Each eyesis made up of hundreds of little transparent windows called lenses.Each lens is hexagonal ie, has 6 sides.The outer part of each of these lenses is a complete little eye in itself.Because each eye is made up of many little eyes ,insects is said to have compound eyes.It is very important for their survival.
Insects find their way around depending on taste and smell.They have very fine hairs on their bodies and antennae that are extremely Sensitive ,and these hairs help them find their way around.Many insects communicate with each other by using smell .They can release odours from special scent glands in their body .These odours are called Pheromones .Odours are used for other reasons.For example,ants use odours to mark a trail ,so that other ants can use the trail to get back to the nest or to find food.Ants will follow a trail os scent along the ground using their antennae.They go like a long train ,each following the scent of the ant just before it.If you rub your hand across the trail and brush away thescent The ants wll get totally confused.They will run around in circle until they find he scent again.
Insects breathe,but they donot have lungs like we do.They have a system of tubes called ,Tracheae,instead of lungs.Air passes into the tracheae which branch into smaller and smaller tubes .these tubes finally come to an end in the tissues,where oxygen is taken from the air.They take in Oxygen and expel carbondioxide, through the spiracles of their body.
An insect has a digestive system which consists of a long tube that is coiled and folded to make it fit inside the body.Insects digestive system is divided into 3 parts.the foregut,the midgut and the hindgut manages water balance and excretion.
A world without insects is unimaginable.They play an important role in supporting and maintaining the balance of nature.

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