Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Animals ,Animal Kingdom,About Tiger

A peep into the Animal Kingdom

Aye Aye - aye aye can be found only on the island of Madagaskar.These rare animals may not look like primates at first glance.but they are related to chimpanzees ,apes and humans.They are drak brown or black and are distinguished by a bushy tail that is larger than their body.They are nocturnal and spend the day curled up in a ball like nest of leaves and branches .It employs its long middle finger to take the wood boring insect larvae moving under the bark. This finger is also useful for scooping the flesh out of coconuts and other fruits.Many people consider this animal as an omen of ill luck.So they often have been killed on sight.This endangered aye aye critically.Today they are protected by law.
Red Fox:-Red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains and deserts. They also adapt well to human environments such as farms, suburban areas and even large communities. Red foxes are solitary hunters who feed on rodents, rabbits, birds and other small game.They also eat fruit and vegetables, fish, frogs and even worms.Like a cat's, the fox's thick tail aids its balance, but it has other uses as well.A fox uses its tail as a warm cover in cold weather and as a signal flag to communicate with other foxes.At birth the red foxes are actually brown or grey.
Ocelot:-Twice the size of the average housecat ,the ocelot is a sleek animal with a gorgeous dappled coat.These largely nocturnal cats use keen sight and hearing to hunt rabbits , rodents , iguanas,fish and frogs.They also stalk monkeys or birds.Unlike many cats ,they donot avoid water and can swim well.They do not have teeth for chewing,so they tear their food to pieces and swallow it as a whole.They live under the leafy canopies of South American rain forests,but they also inhabit brush lands.Their fine fur has made them the target of hunters.
Elephant Seal:-There are two species of elephant seals ,the Northern and southern.Northern elephant seals can be found in california,though they prefer to frequent offshore islands rather than the North American mainland.Southern elephants live in sub antacrtic and antarctic waters that features brutally cold conditions but are rich in fish ,squid and other marine foods.They are the largest of all seals.They got their names from their trunk like inflattable snouts.Males battle each other for mating dominance.Elephant seals were aggressively hunted for their oils and their numbers were once reduced to the brink of extinction.

we can see the amazing things about a tiger
The word tiger derived from the persian word 'Tiger 'meaning arrow.The tiger got its name since it leaps like an arrow released from a bow.Tigers are felines.They belong to the cat family.They are the largest carnivorous mammals.They weigh about 150kgs-200kgs.On an average they measure about 3mts.They are about 90cms in height.Generally tigers are brownish -yellow in colour.It has black stripes on its body.But in Bengal there is a species of 'white tigers' which has black stripes on a white body.White tigers are now reared in several zoos across India.The tiger's 'meal ' consists of deer ,cattle,horses,wild boar etc.They consume about 30kgs of meat at a single meal.A tiger will hide its prey and comsume it only at night.The tigress would wait patiently until the tiger finishes his meal ,before claiming her share,although they might have hunted the prey together.A tiger is wellequipped with sharpfangs,strong jaws and sharp claws.A tiger can leap a distance of 4.5mts to 6.5mnts easily

The tiger does not possess good eyesight.But its sense of hearing is seven times sharper than taht of humansTigers seldom roar.They roar only to scare away other tigers or atrract tigresses.The offspring of a tiger and tigresses is called 'tigon'Tigers may be ferocious beasts,but they permit birds known as swallows to perch on their body and peckout fleas from their ears and fur.
As the tiger grows older ,its body colour and lines tend to fade.Its teeth become yellow.Face turns brownish.The tigers life span is about 20 years.Old or injured tigers may become maneaters if they are unable to hunt down their prey.
India has alarge number of tigers in the worldTigers are poached for their beautiful skin and valuable body parts which are used in preparing 'medicines' wrongly believed to have miraculous properties .Due to this ,tigers face extinction.Project-Tiger in India is trying to prevent this situation .

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