Sunday, March 14, 2010

Basic First Aid

Basic First Aid
According to First aid experts, knowing what to do for an injured person can save a life ,especially in cases of stoppage of breathing, severe bleeding , and shock.People who is suffering from diseases like diabetes , epilepsyallergy are asked to wear some sort of emblem identifying the problem as a safe guard against administration of medication that might be injurious .In this context it will equip the people to handle emergency situations effectively.When there is an emergency providing the first aid within the first few minutes often determines life or knowing what to do when minor injuries or illness take place can save time and money.
When such time occurs What to do first ?
1.Call out someone for help

2.Check Breathing...If stopped give mouth to mouth resuscitation

3.Check for pulse.If the heart is not beating ,Perform CPR.

4.Stop bleeding by applying pressure directly over the wound

5.If something is swallowed ,ask the victim what it was.

6.Try to remqain calm ,and keep the victim calm

What are the things we have to keep in the house as First Aid Kit
Dressings - Adhesive Bandages ,assorted sizes;adhesive tape and thin adhesive strips ,Cotton -tipped swabsElastic bandages,gauze bandages,assorted rolled sizes (Diaper,Sanitary Napkin ,Towels , Scarfs,handkerchief)
It is important to get medical assistance as soon as possible
Drowning :-
Call for emrgency medical help If the victim is near the pool ,give rope to pull to safety,Always Maintain an open air passage,restore breathing and circulation ,If the victim is breathing ,place him on his side with head extended backward so fluids will drain ,keepthe victim warm.
Electric Shock :-
Don't touch the victim until the electricity is turrned off or need be remove the victim from the live wire standing on non-conductable surface like dry cloth,rubber mat, news paper etc or push the victim away with a dry board ,stickfrom the wire.Call Electricity Dept. to cut off the line Maintain open air passage.
Animal bite :-
Wash wound with soap under running waterand apply antibiotic ointment.and dressing.When possible , the animal should becaptured alive for rabies testing.
Asphyxiation :-
Start rescue breathing immediately after getting patient to fresh air.
Bleeding :-
Elevate the wound above the heart if possible.Press hard on the wound with nsterile compress until the bleeding stops.If bleeding is severe send for doctor.
Burn :-
If mild ,with skin unbroken and no blisters ,put into ice water until pain subsides .Apply a dry dressing if necessary.If severe ,send for doctor. Apply Sterile compresses and keep the patient comfotably warm until doctor's arrival .Do not try to clean burn or break blisters .
Chemical in eye:-
With patient lying down ,Pour cupfull of water immediately in to corner of the eye . Letting it run to other side to rmeove chemicals thoroughly.Cover with sterile compress.Get medical attention immediately.
Place person on back on bed or rug. Loosen clothing .Turn head to side .If doesnot stop get medical help
Poisoning :-
Call doctor Use antidote listed on label if container is found. Do not give the victim any food or drink or induce vomitting,unless specified on the label or by amedical professional.
Snake Bite :
Wash the injury.Keep the area still and at a lower level than the heart .Keep the victim quiet. rush to the hospital.
Sting from Insect :-If possible remove stringer.Wash the area with soap and water.cover it to keep it cleanApply acold pack to reduce pain and swelling.Call physician immediately if body swells or patient collapses.
Unconsciousness :-
Send for doctor and place person on his or her back. Start rescue breathing if victim stops breathing.never give food or liquids.
Frostbite :-
Handle frostbiten area gently.Do not rub. Soak affected area with water.Do not allow frostbitten area to touch the container.Soak until the part looks red and feels warm.
Sprains and Fractures :-
Apply ice to reduce swelling and pain.Do not try to straighten or move broken limbs. Apply a splint to immobilize the injured area if the victim must be transported.
Simple Ayurvedic first aid.
Asthma :- Take one teaspoon ful of ginger powder and one teaspoon ful of licorice powder. Add half a litre of water and boil the mixture till it reduces to 125 ml.Strain it and drink it warm.

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