Inventions and discoveries `
Scientific inventions and discoveries are important because they lead to the creation of mechanisms and artifacts which improve or easen our living conditions . Invention and discoveries come out sometimes by accident but mostly by design . Most of the discoveries in the 20th century were the results of the purposeful investigations and experiments .All these inventions are turned out to be quite beneficial in peacetime. Rocketry and Missiles opened the way for space explorations and the epochal landing of the man on the moon .Atomic power is now being harnessed for peace time uses .Radar and sonar have been helpful in number of ways . Invention today is tied to industrial methods and production .A distinguished feature of 20th century research is the fact that it represent systematized invention : it is largely devoted to technological research ,discovery ,and innovation .In order to accomplish this ,many persons many persons are brought together to form a wide array of disciplines to form the research team ,each member contributing his own specialized knowledge .At the same time, modern research embodies a new methodology based on the systematic application of science to technology .Thus the long line of inventions that started in the prehistoric past appears to be continuing.
Invention - Inventor - Country- Year
Adding Machine - Wilhelm Schickard- Germany- 1623
Aeroplane - Orville & Wilbur Wright-U S A- 1903
Airship(nonrigid)- Henri Giffard- France -1852
Aerosol Spray - Erik Rotheim- Norway - 1926
Airship (rigid)- G F von Zeppelin- Germany-1900
Artificial Heart- William Kolff -Netherlands-1957
Atomic Bomb -J.Robert Oppenheimer- U S A-1945
Automatic Rifle- John Browning - U S A-1918
Bakelite -Leo H Baekeland- Belgium- 1907
Ballistic missile- Wernhervon Braun- Germany-1944
Balloon - Jacques & Joseph Montgolfier-France- 1783
Ball –Point Pen -John J Loud- U S A- 1888
Barometer- Evangelista Torricelli- Italy-1644
Battery(Electric)- Alessandro Volta - Italy- 1800
Bicycle - Kirkpatrick Macmillan - Britian - 1839
Bolt action rifle - P.von Mauser - Germany-1889
Car (steam)- Nicolas Cugnot France-1769
Car (Petrol) - Karl Benz Germany- 1888-
Carpet Sweeper- Melville R Bissel- USA-1876
Cash Register-James Ritty- USA- 1879
Cellophane- Dr.Brandenberger- Switzerland-1908
Celluloid -Alexander Parkes- Britain -1861
Cement- Joseph Aspdin-Britain- 1824
Chronometer-John Harrison - Britain - 1735
Cinema - Nicolas &Jean Lumiere- France- 1895
Clock(Mechanical) -I-Hspng &Liang Ling-Tsan - China -1725
Clock (Pendulum)- Christian Hugyans- Netherlands - 1656
CompactDisk player - Sony ,Philips Co- Japan, Netherlands-1979
Cross word Puzzle - Arthur Wynne- USA- 1913
Dental Plate-Anthony A Plantson- USA- 1817
Dental Plate( Rubber)- Charles Good Year- USA-1855
Diesel Engine-Rudolph Diesel- Germany - 1895
Disk Brake- Dr. F . Lanchester- Britain - 1902
Dynamo- Hypolite Pixie-France -1832
Electric Flat Iron- H W Seeley- USA- 1882
Electric Furnace- William Siemens - Britain- 1861
Electric Lamp-Thomas Alwa Edison- USA- 1879
Electric motor(DC) - Zonobe Gramme- Belgium- 1873
Eectric motor(AC)- Nikola Tesia- USA- 1888
Electric iron- Henry W Seely- USA- 1882
Electric Washing Machine-Alva J Fisher-USA- 1906
Electro Magnet-William Sturgeon -Britain- 1824
Electro Plating-Luigi Brugnatelli- Italy- 1805
Electro Computer- Dr.Alan M Turing- Britain- 1824
Film ( moving outlines)-Louis Prince- France- 1885
Film (talking)-J Engl ; J Mussolle &H.vogt- Germany- 1922
Film (musical sound)-Dr Le de Forest- USA- 1923
Frequency modulation -FM E H ARm Strong - USA -1933
Frisbee- Fred Morrisson - USA - 1948
Frozen Food-Clarence Birdseye - USA-1924
Fountain Pen-Lewis E Waterman- USA- 1884
Galvanometer- Anre Maria Ampere- France- 1834
Gaslighting - William Mardock- Britain - 1792
Glassware- Egypt & Mesopotamia- 1500BC
Glider- George Claylay- Britain - 1853
Gramaphone- Thomas Alwa Edison-USA- 1878
Guided missile- Wernher von Broun - Germany- 1942
Helicopter-Etienne Oehmichen - France - 1924
Holography - Denis Gason - Britain- 1947
Hover craft - Christopher Cockkerrel- Britain-1955
Hydrogen Bomb- Edward Teller - USA- 1952
Jet Engine-Sir.Frank Whitle- Britain-1937
Kodak Camera- George East Man- USA -1888
Laser -T H Maimah - USA - 1960
Lift (Mechanical)- Filsha G Otis - USA- 1852
Lightning Conductor -Benjamin Franklin-USA- 1752
Linotype- O Margenthaler - USA-1883
Locomotive- Richard Trevithick- Britain - 1804
Loom Power - E Cartwright - Britain-1785
Loud Speaker- Horace Short- Britain - 1900
Machine Gun - James Puccle - Britain -1718
Magnetic Recording -TApe Fritz Pfleumer- Germany-1928
Maps - Sumeria- Clay Tablets of River Euphrates- C.3800 BC
Margraine- Happolyte M Mouries- France- 1869
Match safety - John walker - Britain- 1826
Microphone - Alexandedr Graham Bell- USA- 1876
Micro Processor- Robert Noyce Gordon Moor - USA- 1971
Micro Scope - Z Janssen - Netherlands- 1590
Micro Wave Oven-Percy Lebaron Spencer- USA - 1947
Motor Cycle - G Daimler of Canstatt - Germany- 1885
Movie Projector -Thomas Edison - USA - 1893
Neon Lamp- Georges Claude - France- 1910
Neutron Bomb- Samuel Cohen - USA - 1958
Nylon - Dr.Wallace H Carothers - USA - 1937
Optical Fibre - Narinder Kapany - Germany- 1955
Paper - China - AD 105
Parking Meter - Carlton C Maggee- USA - 1935
Parallel Computing-Seymour Cray & David Gelertes- USA-1979
Pasteurization - Louis Pasteur - France- 1867
Pencil-Jacques- Nicolas Conte- France -1792
Photoelectric Cell - Julius Elster,Hans F Geitel-Germany- 1893
Photography(on Metal) - J N Niepce- France- 1826
Photography(on Paper) - W H Fox Talbot- Britain - 1835
Photography(on film) - john Carbutt - USA -1888
Pogo stick -George B Hansburg-USA- 1921
PottersWheel - Asia Minor - 6500BC
Pop up Toaster-Charles Stright- USA - 1927
Printing Press-Johann Guttenburg- Germany- C 1455
Proppeller - Fransis Smith- Britain - 1837
Radar - AH Taylor&Leo C Young - USA- 1922
Radio Telegraphy - Dr.Mahlon Loomis- USA- 1864
Rayon - Sir Joseph Swan- Britain- 1883
Razor - Col.Jacob Schick - USA- 1931
Record - Dr. Peter Goldmark - USA- 1948
Refrigerator- James Harrison, Alexander- USA - 1850
Rollerblades- Scott & Brenna Olsen -USA- 1980
Rubber(latex form)- Dunlop Rubber Co- Britain -1928
Rubber (Tyres)-Thomas Hancock- Britain- 1846
Rubber (Water proof)-Charles Macintosh- Britain- 1823
Rubik Cube - Prof.Emo Rubik- Hungary-1975
Safety Pin- Walter Hunt- USA - 1849
Safety Razor - king Camp Gillette- USA- 1903
Scotch Tape - Richard Drew- USA- 1930
Self Starter - Charles F kettering- USA - 1911
Ship (steam)-J C Perier- France -1775
Silk Manufacture - China - 50 B C
Skateboard - Bill & Mark Richards- USA- 1958
Skyscraper - W.Le Baron Jenny -USA - 1882
Slide Rule -William Oughtred - Britain - 1621
Slinky Spring - Richard James- USA - 1946
Spectacles - Venice- 1289
Spinning Frame -Richard Awkwright- Britain- 1769
Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves- Britian - 1764
Spinning Mule -Samuel Crompton -Britain -1779
Steam Engine - Thomas Savery -Britain - 1698
Steam Engine(condenser)- James Watt - Britain -1765
Steel- Harry Brearley- Britain- 1913
Submarine - Davis Bush Nell - USA-1776
Super Computer- J N Van Tassel - USA- 1976
Swiss army Knife - Karl Elsener- Switzerland - 1891
Tank - Sir.Ernest D Swington - Britain-1914
Teddy Bear- Margaratte Steiff - Germany - 1903
Telegraph-M Lammomd - France -1787
Telescope- Hans Lippershey- Netherlands -1608
Television - John Logie Baird-Britain -1926
Teryene -J R Whinfield- Britain- 1941
Transformer - Michael Faraday -Britain - 1831
Transistor - Bardeen ,Shockley- USA-1948
Transister Radio- Sony- Japan -1955
Video Tape- Charles Ginsberg -USA- 1956
Velcro - Georges De Mestral -Switzerland - 1948
Washing Machine - Hurley Machine Co - USA -1907
Watch - Bartholomew Manfredi- Italy -1462
Water Closet- Harrington - Britain - 1589
Welder - Elisha Thomson - USA- 1877
Windmill - Persian Corn Grinding- C 600
Wireless - G Macroni - Italy -1896
Writing - Sumerian Civilization - 3500B C
X-ray - Wlihelm K Roentengen-Germany -1895
Yo-Yo - Donald F Duncan - USA - 1929
Zip Fastener - W L Judson - USA - 1891
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