Basic white Sauce
1 cup milk
1 tbsp corn flour
1tbsp butter
Salt and pepper to taste.
Water the butter in a pan ,stir in the flour.When it bubbles ,add the milk stirring all the time.Cook for a minute and remove from fire.Add salt and pepper .Various savoury sauce could be made by adding different ingredients to the white sauce,like grated onion, garlic, lemon, egg, cheese,etc.
Brown Sauce
1 small carrot,
grated1 small onion ,finely chopped
1tb sp butter
1tb sp corn flour
1 t sp crushed mustard
1 tb sp caramel
1 t sp pepper
Boil the carrot and onion till very soft,pass through a sleve and keep the puree aside.Heat the butter in a pan,add flour and when it bubbles ,add a cup of water and the rest of the ingredients and boil.Lastly,add the puree and boil till it reaches a saucy consistency.
Lemon Curd
Yolks of 2 eggs
1tb sp butter
1tb sp sugar
Juice of 1/2 a lime
Mix egg yolks ,butter and sugar in a pan and warm in a double boiler or over boiling water.When sugar is completely dissolved remove from fire and add lime juice.Cool and Store.
Tamarind Sauce
1/2 cup tamarind pulp
1/2 t sp chilly powder
1 t sp sugar
Salt to taste
Mix all these thoroughly and use with samosa,vada etc.
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup salad oil
1tb sp vinegar
1 tsp crushed mustard
1/2 t sp sugar
Salt to taste
1/2 white pepper powder
Beat the egg yolks ,add oil drops by drops and best continuously until the mixture thickens .Add the remaining ingredients and bottle.
Chocolate Sauce
2 tb sp cocoa
1tb sp butter
1 cup milk
2 tb sp sugar
Melt the butter and add sugar.Mix cocoa and milk and add to the above ,boil until thick and creamy.Cool and store.
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