Medical Terms :-
Abscess -A cavity containing pus and surrounded by inflamed tissue, formed as a result of suppuration in a localized infection.
Acardia -A rare congenial anomaly in which the heart is absent.
Acidurea -The presence of acid in the urine.
Acne -Infection of sebaceous glands in skin , specially on the face ,neck, shoulders and upper back.
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)-A disease involving a defect in cell-mediated immunity that has a long incubation period ,follows aprotracted and debilitating course, is manifested by various opportunistic infections and has a poor prognosis.
Acupuncture -A method of producing analgesia or altering the function of a system of the body by inserting fine wire- thing needles into the skin at specific sites of the body.
Aerotitis-An inflammation of the ear caused by changes in atmospheric pressure.
Agenesis-Congenial absence of an organ usually caused by a lack of primordial tissue and failure of development in the embryo
Agitographia -a condition characterised by abnormally rapid writing in which words or parts of words are unconsciously omitted .
Agnosia -Total or partial loss of the ability to recognise familiar objects or persons through sensory stimuli as a result of organic brain damage
Agraphia -An abnormal neurological condition characterized by the loss of the ability to write .
Albumin -A water-soluble ,heat -coagulable protien which contains carbon ,hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen and sulphur .
Allergy -A hypersensitive reaction to intrinsically harmless antigens , most of which are environmental.
Amnesia - Aloss of memory caused by brain damage or by severe emotional trauma.
Analgesic -A drug that relieves pain
Anaemia - A disorder characterized by a decrease inhaemoglobin in the blood to levels below normal range .
Anesthesia -The absence of normal sensation , especially sensitivity to pain .
Angina -A vague chest discomfort with choking feeling.
Angiocardiogram -A radiograph of the heart and the vessels of the heart
Angiography -The x-ray visualization of the internal anatomy of the heart and blood vessels after intra -vascular introduction of radioopaque contrast medium .
Anoxia -An abnormal condition characterized by a lack of oxygen
Antacid -Opposition Acidity,A drug or dietary substance that buffers,neutralizes,or absorbs hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Antibiotic -an antimicrobial agent,derived from culture of a microorganism or produced semi-synthetically and used to treat infections .
Antibody-A proteinaceous lymphoid product ,synthesized by our body to fight diseases and disease products brought in by bacteria and viruses ,etc
Antidote-A drug or other substance that opposes the actuion of a poison
Antigen - A substance ,usually a protein , that causes the formation of an antibody and reacts specifically with that antibody.
Aphasia -AN abnormal neurological condition in which language function is defective or absent because of an injury to certain areas of the cerebral cortex.
Appendicitis -Inflammation of the appendix ,usually acute
Arthritis - Any inflammatory condition of the joints characterized by pain and swelling .
Asthma -An allergic respiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes of paroxysmal dyspnoea ,wheezing or expiration ,coughing and viscous mucoid bronchial secretions.
Autopsy-A postmortem examination performed to confirm or determine the cause of death
Bacteria -Small unicellular microorganisms
Barium meal -The ingestion of barium sulphate for the radiographic examination of the oesophagus ,stomach ,and intestinal tract
B C G Vaccine -An active immunizing agent prepared from Bacvcillus Calmette Guerin
Beriberi -A disease of the peripheral nerves caused by a deficiency of or an inability to assimilate thaiamine,a water -soluble ,crystalline compound of the B -Complex vitamin group
Bile - A bitter ,yellow -green secretion of the liver ,stored in the gall bladder.
Biopsy -The removal of a small piece of living tissue from an organ or other part of the body for microscopic examination to confirm or establish prognosis or follow the course of a disease
Bladder -A membranous sac serving as a receptable for secretions
Blood Pressure -The pressure exerted by the circulating volume of blood on the walls of the arteries ,the veins and the chambers of the heart
Blood Sugar - The concentration of the glucose in the blood ,represented in milligrams of glucose per deccilitre of blood .
Blue Baby -An infant born with a substantial reduction in the circulating oxygenated blood .
Bronchitis -An acute or chronic inflammation of the mucuous membranes of the tracheobronchial tree.
Bypass -Any one of the various surgical procedures to divert the flow of blood or other natural fluids from normal anatomic courses.
Caesarean section - A surgical procedure in which the abdomen and uterus are incised and a baby is delivered .
Cancer-An abnormal growth of tissues carrying malignant cells
Carcinectomy -The excision of cancer.
Carcinogen - A substance or agent that causes the development or increase the incidence of cancer.
Cardiac- pertaining to the heart
Cardiogram -An electronically recorded tracing of cardiac activity .
Cataract -An abnormal progressive condition of the lens of the eye , characterized by loss of transparency.
Cerebral haemorrhage -A haemorrhage from a blood vessel in the brain.
Cerebral thrombosis -A clotting of blood in any cerebral vessel.
Chemotherapy -The traetment of infections and other diseases with chemical agents .
Cholestrol -One subdivision of fatty element whose higher percentage in blood is a predisposing factor of cardiac diseases.
Colitis - An Inflammatory condition of the large intestine .
Coma - A state of profound unconciousness , characterized by the absence of spontaneous eye movements ,response to painful stimuli and vocalization.
Conjunctivitis -Inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by the bacterial or viral infection ,allergy ,or environmental factors.
Dengue fever -An acute arbovirus infection transmitted to humans by the aedes mosquito and occuring in tropical and subtropical regions.
Dermatology- The study of the skin ,including the antomy ,psyciology and pathology of the skin and the dignosis and treatment of skin disorders .
Dhobie itch -A form of contact dermatitis associated with the use of laundry marking fluid
Dialysis -A medical procedure for the removal of certain elements from the blood or lymph .
Diarrhoea -The frequent passage of loose ,watery stools
Diphtheria -An acute ,contagious disease caused by the bacterium cornyebacterium diphtheriae
Dyspepsia -Vague feeling of epigastic discomfort ,felt after eating
Dysphasia -An impairment of speech ,not as severe as aphasia
Dysuria -Painful urination ,usually the result of a bacterial infection or obstructive condition in the urinary tract.
Electrocardiogram -A graphic record of the electrical activity of the heart , produced by an electrocardiograph .
Elephantiasis -The end stage lesion of filariasis , characterized by tremendous swelling ,usually of the external genitalia and the legs
Endoscopy -Viewng inside the body by an endoscope . It is used for both diagnosis and biopsy of disease conditions.
Eosinophilia -An increase in the number of white blood corpuscles ,accompanying many inflammatory conditions.
Edema -The abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces of tissues,as in the precardial sac, intrapleural sac,peritoneai cavity or joint capsules.
Epilepsy -A group of neurological disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of convulsive siezures,sensory disturbances,abnormal behaviour,loss of consciousness .
Euphorbia -An exaggerated or abnormal sense of physical and emotional well-being ,not based on reality.
Ganglion -One of the nerve cells,chiefly collected in groups outside the central nervous system.
Gall Bladder - A pear shaped excretory sac on the visceral surface of the right lobe of the liver nad serves as a resevoir for bile .
Gastric -Of or pertaining to the stomach
Gastroenteritis -Inflammation of the stomach and the intestines accompanying numerous gastrointestinal disorders .
Gene -The biologic unit of genetic material and inheritance
Geritrics -The branch of medicine dealing with the psychology of aging ,and the diagnosnis and treatment of diseases affecting the aged.
Glaucoma -An abnormal condition of elevated pressure with in an eye because of obstruction of the outflow of aqueous humor
Growing Pains -Rheutamism like pains that occur in the muscles and joints of children adolescents as a result of fatigue,emotional problems ,postural defects and other causes that are not related to growth and that may be symptoms of varoius disorders .
Gynaecology -A branch of medicine concerned with the health care of women ,including their sexual and reproductive function and the diseases of their reproductive organs .
Hematology - Scientific medical study of blood and bloodforming tissues.
Haemoglobin-A complex protein -iron compound in the blood that carries oxygen to the cells from the lungs and carbon dioxide away from the cells to the lungs .
Hemorrhage-A loss of a large amount of blood in a short period of time .
Hepatitis -An inflammation of liver usually caused by bacterial or viral infection ,parasitic infestation ,alcohol,drugs ,toxins ortransfusion of incompatible blood .
Hepatitis A -A form of infectious viral hepatitis caused by rapid onset of signs and symptoms.
Hepatitis B-Viral hepatitis caused by rapid onset of acute signs and symptoms transmitted by blood and body fluids .
Hydrophobia -A morbid ,extreme fear of water.
Hypertension -A common disorder caused by elevated blood pressure persistently exceeding 145/85 mm.Hg
Hypoglycemia -A less than normal amount of glucose in the blood .
Hysterectomy -Surgical removal of the uterus.
Incubator -An apparatus used to provide a controlled environment ,especially a particular temparature .
Insomnia ;Chronic inability to sleep or to remain asleep throughout the nightr
Jaundice -A yellow discoloration of the skin ,mucous membranes and sclerae of the eyes caused by greater than normal amount of bilirumin in the blood .
Lactation -The process of the synthesis and secretion of milk from the breast in the nourishment of an infant.
Lallophobia -A morbid dread of talking caused by fear and anxiety that one would stammer or shutter.
Laproscopy -The examination of the abdominal cavity with a laproscope through a small incision in the abdominal wall.
Leukamia -Presence of abnormal quantity and quanlity of white blood corpuscles in blood .
Masochism- pleasure or gratification derived from receiving physical ,mental or emotional abuse.
Mastectomy-Surgical removal of one or both breasts ,performed to remove a malignant tumour.
Meningitis -Any infection or inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord
Metabolic rate -The amount of energy liberated or expended in a given unit of time.
Mumps-An acute viral disease ,characterized by the inflammation of the parotid glands
Myopia -A condition of nearsightedness caused by the elongation of the eyeball or by an error in refraction so that parallel rays are focused in front of the retina
Nausea -A sensation often leading to the urge to vomit.
Nephritis -Any one of the large group of diseases of the kidney ,characterized by inflammation and abnormal function .
Nyctophobia -An anxiety reaction characterized by an obsessive ,irational fear of darkness.
Obstetrics -The branch of medicine concerned with pregnancy and child birth
Ocular-Of or pertaining to the eye.
Oedipus complex -In psychoanalysis ,a child's desire for a sexual relationship with the parent of the opposite sex ,usually with strong ,negative feelings for the parent of the same sex.
Optometry-The practice of testing the eye or visual acuity ,prescribing corrective lenses ,and recommending eye execises .
Orthopedics-Branch of medicine devoted to the study and treatment of the skeletal system,its joints ,muscles and associated structures.
Pacemaker-An electrical apparatus used for maintaining a normal sinus rhythm of mycocardial contraction by electrically stimulating the heart muscle
Paralysis -A abnormal condition characterized by the loss of muscle function or the loss of sensation
Parkinson's disease -a slowly progressive ,neurological disrder characterized by resting tremor,pill rolling of the fingers
Pediatrics -A branch of medicine concerned with the development and care of the children .
Pneumonia -An acute inflammation of the lungs .
Proctoscopy -The examination of the rectum with an endoscope inserted through the anus.
Psychopathy-Any disease of the mind ,congenital or acquired ,not necessarily associated with subnormal intelligence
Psychotherapy- Any of the large number of related methods of treating mental and emotional disorders by psychological techniques rather than by physical means .
Pulmonary-Of or pertaining to the lungs or the respiratory system.
Quarantine -Isolation of people with any communicable disease or of those exposed to a communicable disease during the contagious period ,in an attempt to prevent spread of the illness.
Rabies -an acute,usually fatal viral disease of the central nervous system of animals
Renal failure-Inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes,concentrate urine and conserve electolytes
Rheumatism -Any of the large number of inflammatory conditions of the joints ligaments and muscles characterized by pain ,limitations of movement and structural deneration of single or multiple parts of the muscular system.
Radiotherapy -The treatment of neoplastic disease by using x-rays or gamma-rays to deter the proliferation of malignant cells.
Scanning -Carefully studying an area ,organ or system of the body by recrding and displaying an image of the areasiriasis -Sunstroke
Sinusitis -an inflammation of one or more paranasal sinusessomnambulism -sleepwalking Stomatitis -Any inflammatory condition of the mouth.
Teletheraphy -Radiation therapy administered by a machine that is positioned at some distance from the patient.
Tendon -One of the many white ,glistening,fibrous bands of tissue that attach muscles to the bones.
Tetanus -An acute ,potentially fatal infection of the central nervous system
Thrombosis -An abnormal vascular condition in which thrombus develops within a blood vessel of the body .
Thyroid gland -A highly vascular organ at the front of the neck.
Tonsilitis -A infection or inflammation of the tonsil
Toxicology -The scientific study of poisons.,their detection ,their effects and methods of treatment for conditions they produce
Traction -In Orthopaedics ,the process of putting a limb ,bone or a group of muscles under tension by meaans of weighs ,pulleys to align or immobilize the part or to relieve pressure on it.
Tranquilizer -A drug prescribed to calm anxious or agitated people ,ideally without decreasing their consiousness.
Transplant -Transfer of an organ ,tissue or body part from one person to another
Trauma -1) Physical injury caused by violent or disruptive action or by introduction of toxic substance in to body.2)Psychic injury resulting from a severe emotional shock.
Tuberculosis -A chronic ,granulonatous infection caused by an acid -fast bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis ,usually affecting Lungs.
Ulcer-A circumscribed ,crater like lesion of the skin or mucous mambrane that accompanies some inflammatory infections or malignant processes.
Ultra Sonography -Prosecc of imaging deep structures of body by measuring and recording the reflection ofpulsed or continuous high -frequentcy sound waves ; valuable in many medical situations.
Urea -End product of protein metabolism.
URI -Upper respiratory infection
Urinalysis -A physical ,microscopic or chemical examination of urine.
Valvotomy - The indication in to a valve ,especially one in the heart,to correct a defect and allow proper opening and closure
Varicosis-A common condition characterized by one or more tortuousabnormally dilated or varicose veins,usually in the legs
Vasectomy-A procedure for male sterilization involving the bilateral surgical removal of aportion of the vas deferens
Viral hepatitis-A viral ,inflammatory disease of the liver ,caused by one of the hepatitis viruses ,A ,B, non-A,or Non-B
Xenophobia -An anxiety disorder characterized by a pervasive ,irrational fear or uneasiness in the presence of strangers .
Yellow fever-An acute arbovirus infection transmitted by mosquitoes ,characterized by head ache,fever,jaundice ,vomiting and bleeding
Zoograft - Tissue of an animal transplanted to a human .
Zoomania -A psychopathological state characterized by an excessive foundness for and preoccupation with animals
Zoonosis -Diseases of animals transmittable to humans
Zoophobia -An anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent, irrational fear of animals ,particularly dogs ,snakes,insects and mice.
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