Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Snakes ,Types of snakes,Venom ,Sea Snakes


A snake is a reptile ,they are carnivorous and their distinguishing features are their lack of eyelids, limbs and external ears. There are about 2,700 species of snakes. We can see some variety of snakes here.

Types of Snakes

Elapids - These are found in the sub tropical and tropical regions around the world. They have hollow fangs which they use to inject venom in their victim. Their size can range from 18 centimetres to more than 6 metres.About 231 species are there in this family of snakes. Some examples of Elapids are Kraits,Cobras,King Cobras ,Mambas,Australian Copperheads,Coral Snakes.

Viperidae - The Viperidae, or the vipers as they are more commonly known are found all over the world except in Madagascar and Australia. Their fangs are comparatively quite long and hinged. With the help of their long fangs, the vipers inject venom into their victims. In this family, there are about four sub-species,they are Azemiopinae, Vipermae, Crotalinae and the Causinae. Examples of this species of snakes are the following:Vipers ,Rattle-Snakes ,Cottonmouths ,Bushmasters ,Adders ,Copperheads

Colubridae - This family of snakes are harmless and non-poisonous. However, there are certain species even in this family, like the Boomslang and the African Twig which have been responsible for human deaths. Their fangs are located at the back of their mouths. Some examples are the following:Queen Snake ,Common Keelback ,King Snake ,Corn Snake ,Bull Snake ,Rat Snake ,Garter Snake ,Smooth Snake,Mussurana Snake,Milk Snake

Hydrophidae - These are sea or aquatic snakes that are distantly related to the cobra family of snakes. They are about two metres in length and about 50 species of these snakes are there in the world. Almost all the snakes of this family are highly venomous. These snakes have short and hollow fangs that is located near the front and upper jaw. Some examples are :Stoke's Sea Snakes ,Olive Sea Snakes ,Spiny Headed Sea Snakes, Turtlehead Sea Snakes,Beaked Sea Snakes ,Grey's Mudsnakes.

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