Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Congregation of nuns,Nuns religious orders,Jesus Christ

List of Catholic religious institutes

The 2000 Annuario Pontificio lists about 1 million persons in religious orders worldwide. This included 139,397 religious priests (and excluded 265,781 diocesan priests), 55,057 religious brothers, and 801,185 religious sisters.
The following list refers to some of the major religious institutes of the Catholic Church, both orders and others; it should be understood that communities using the same name may exist in the Anglican tradition as well, as well as more than one Catholic order with the same name. Each is accompanied by its official name in English as well as the acronym (or "post-nominal initials") commonly used to identify its members. In many cases name variations and/or alternative names are also in use. In parentheses is the year it was established.
Some organizations in the following list are not Religious Institutes because they are Associations of the Faithful and have not yet received a decree of erection to become an Institute of Consecrated Life. For this reason, this list does not verify the canonical status of an organization.:

Adorers (Adorers of the Blood of Christ) - A.S.C. (1834)

Adornos (Clerics Regular Minor) - C.R.M. (1563)

Adrian Dominican Sisters (1233/1853)

Albertines (1888)

Alexians - C.F.A. (1469)

Angelic Sisters of St. Paul - A.S.S.P. (1535)

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - A.S.C.J. (1894)

Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate - A. S. M. I. - Green Gardens, Shertallay, Kerala, India (1949)

Assumptionists - A.A. (1845)

Little Sisters of the Assumption (1865)

Religious of the Assumption (1839)

Atonement, Society of the (Atonement Friars/Graymoor Friars/Sisters) - S.A. (1909)

Augustinian Recollects - (Order of the Augustinians Recollects) - O.A.R. (1912)

Augustinian Sisters, Servants of Jesus and Mary - A.S.J.M. (1827)

Augustinians (Order of Saint Augustine) - O.S.A. (1244)

Augustinians of Kansas: Society of Saint Augustine - S.S.A. (1981)

Baladites (Order of Lebanese Maronite) - O.L.M. (1694)

Barnabites (Clerics Regular of Saint Paul) - B., C.R.S.P. (1530)

Benedictines (Order of St. Benedict) - O.S.B. (529)

Benedictine Oblates of St Scholastica Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (1874)

Bernardine Cistercian Sisters of Esquiermes Bernardines (also see Cistercians) (1098)

Bon Secours Sisters - C.B.S. (1824)

Sisters (1807)

Bridgettines (Order of Our Savior) - O.Ss.S. (1350)

Brotherhood of Hope - B.H. (1980)

Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God (Order of Hospitallers) - O.H. (1572)

Brothers of Charity - F.C. (Ghent, 1807)

Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel - F.S.G. (1711)

Brothers of Mercy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help - f.m.m. (1839)

Brothers of the Christian Schools (Lasallian Brothers or Christian Brothers) - F.S.C. (1680)

Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis of Assisi (Brothers CFP located in the United States, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Brazil, Regular Third Order) (1861)

Brothers of the Sacred Heart - S.C. (1821)

FIC Brothers-FIC Camaldolese (Camaldolese Benedictines) - O.S.B. Cam. (1200s)

Camaldolese Hermits of the Congregation of Monte Corona - Er.Cam. Camillians (Ordo Clericorum Regolarium Ministrantium Infirmis)- M.I. (1591)

Canonesses of St. Augustine - C.R.O.S.A. Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius - S.J.C. (2006)

Canons Regular of the Holy Cross OSC (1131)

Canons Regular Canons Regular of St. Augustine CRSA (1100)

Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception (1871)

Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem - C.R.N.J. (2002)

Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross (Crosiers) (1210)

Canons Regular of Premontre (Norbertines) (1121)

Canossians (Canossian Daughters and Sons of Charity) - F.D.D.C. (1808)

Capuchins (Order of Friars Minor Capuchin) - O.F.M. Cap. (1520)

Capuchin Poor Clares (1538)

Carmelitae Sancti Eliae, Carmelites of Saint Elijah - CSE (1986)

Carmelites (Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel) - O.Carm., O.C.D., O.C.D.S. (1209)

Carmelites of Mary Immaculate - C.M.I. (1831)

Carmelite Daughters of the Divine Heart of Jesus - D.C.J. (1891)

Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm (1929)

Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles (1904)

Carthusians - O.Cart. (1084)

Celestines (defunct) (1244)

Cistercians (Cistercians of the Ancient Observance)- O.Cist./S.O.Cist (1098)

Claretians (Claretian Missionaries) - C.M.F. (1849)

Claretian Sisters (1876)

Comboni Missionaries (1867)

Community of Betania Companions of the Cross - C.C. (1988)

Company of Mary Our Lady - O.D.N. (1607)

Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae - C.I.C.M. (1862)

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament - S.S.S. (1659)

Congregation of Christian Brothers (Christian Brothers of Ireland) - C.F.C. (1802)

Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord - C.D.D. (1931)

Congregation of Divine Providence - C.D.P. (1827)

Congregation of Holy Cross - C.S.C. (1837)

Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries - M.L.[] (1865)

Congregation of the Mission - C.M. (1624)

Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix - C.M.C. (1909)

Congregation of Notre Dame - C.N.D. (1653)

Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions (1861)

Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth - C. S. N. - Paduapuram, Edakkunnu, Kerala, India (1948)

Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection (1891)

Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary - SS.CC. (1800)

Congregation of St. Basil - C.S.B. (1822)

Congregation of St. Joseph - C.S.J. (1873)

Congregation of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Mookkannur, Kerala, India (CST brothers: 1931;

CST fathers: 1945)

Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sisters) - O.L.M. (1862)

Conventual Franciscans (Conventuals or Order of Friars Minor Conventual) - O.F.M. Conv. (1209)

Daughters of Charity - D.C. (1633)

Daughters of Divine Charity - F.D.C. (1868)

Daughters of Divine Love (1969)

Daughters of the Holy Spirit - D.H.S. (1706)

Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception (1904)

Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion - D.O.L.C (1892)

Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi - Lacon, Illinois (1894)

Daughters of St. Paul - F.S.P. (1915)

Daughters of Wisdom (1707)

Dehonians (Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) - S.C.J. (1878)

Discalced Augustinians - O.A.D. (1592) Discalced Carmelites - O.C.D. (1593)

Disciples of the Lord - C.D.D. (1931)

Divine Word Missionaries - S.V.D. (1875)

Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary (1880)

Dominicans (Order of Friars Preachers) - O.P. (1216)

Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (1856)

Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne (1900)

Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception - O.P. (1861)

Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia - O.P. (1860)

Dottrinari (Congregazione dei Preti della Dottrina Cristiana) - D.C. (1592)

Eudists (Congregation of Jesus and Mary) - C.I.M. (1643)

English Benedictine Congregation - O.S.B. (1216)

Fathers of Mercy - (Congregatio Presbyterorum a Misericordia) - C.P.M. (1808)

Felician Sisters (Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice) - C.S.S.F. (1855)

Franciscan Apostolic Sisters - F.A.S. (1954)

Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn - O.S.F. (1858)

Franciscan Brothers of the Eucharist - F.B.E. (2004)

Franciscan Brothers of Peace - F.B.P. (1982)

Franciscan Clarist Congregation Franciscan Friars (Order of Friars Minor) - O.F.M. (1209)

Franciscan Friars of the Renewal - C.F.R. (1987)

Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular - T.O.R. (1447)

Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary Franciscan Handmaids of Mary (1915)

Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception - F.H.I.C. (1876)

Franciscan Minims of the Perpetual Help of Mary - f.m. (1942)

Franciscans of the Immaculate - F.I. Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood - F.M.D.M. (1887)

Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word - M.F.V.A. (1987)

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary - F.M.M. (1877)

Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1859)

Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus (1879)

Franciscan Servants of Jesus (1997)

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity - O.S.F. (1869)

Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist - F.S.E. (1973)

Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception - F.S.I.C. Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate (1893)

Franciscan Sisters of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother - T.O.R. (1988)

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - O.S.F. (1849)

Fransalians (Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales) - M.S.F.S. (1838)

Good Shepherd Sisters - R.G.S. (1641) Grey Nuns - G.N.S.H. (1738)

Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity - A.A.S.C. (1950)

Handmaids of the Precious Blood - H.P.B. (1947)

Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - A.A.S.C. (1877)

Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (1978)

Hermits of Saint Bruno - H.S.B. Holy Cross Fathers (Congregation of Holy Cross) - C.S.C. (1837)

Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (Pink Sisters) - S.Sp.S.A.P. (1896)

Hospital Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus (1200s)

Infant Jesus Sisters (Nicolas Barre) - I.J. (1666)

Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de Bzommar - I.C.P.B. (1749)

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest - I.C.R.S.S. (1990)

Institute of the Incarnate Word - I.V.E. (1984)

Jesuits (Society of Jesus) - S.J. (1540)

Josephite Fathers (St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart) - S.S.J. (1893)

Legion of Christ - L.C. (founded 1941, approved 1983)

Little Brothers of the Gospel - (1956)

Little Brothers of Jesus - (1933)

Little Brothers of St Francis - (1970) (l.b.s.f)

Little Sisters of the Assumption (1865)

Little Sisters of the Gospel - (1963)

Little Sisters of Jesus - (1933)

Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary (1974)

Little Sisters of the Poor - L.S.P. (ca. 1700s)

Lovers of the Holy Cross (1670)

Loreto Sisters (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary) - I.B.V.M. (1609)

Marian Fathers - M.I.C. (1673)

Marian Sisters (Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln) - M.S. (1952)

Marianists (Society of Mary) - S.M. (1817)

Marianist Sisters (Daughters of Mary Immaculate) - F.M.I. (1817)

Marianites of Holy Cross - M.S.C. (1841)

Marist Brothers - F.M.S. (1817)

Marists (Society of Mary) - S. M.(1816)

Maryknoll (Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America) - M.M. (1911)

Mercedarians (Order of Our Lady of Mercy) - O. de M. (1218)

Miles Christi - M.C. (1984)

Mission Helpers of The Sacred Heart - M.H.S.H. (1890)

Missionaries of Charity - M.C. (1950)

Missionaries of La Salette - M.S. (1852)

Missionaries of Mary - (2007)

Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo) - C.S. (1887)

Missionaries of the Gospel of Life (2005)

Missionaries of the Poor - M.O.P. (1981)

Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Precious Blood Fathers) - C.PP.S. (1815)

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - M.S.C. (1854)

Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (1836)

Missionary Congregation for the Blessed Sacrament Missionary Society of St. Columban Columbans - S.S.C. (1916)

Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem (1975)

Montfort Missionaries (Company of Mary) - S.M.M. (1705)

Norbertines or Premonstratensians (Canons Regular of Prémontré) - C.R.P., O.Praem. (1120)

Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts - O.A.T.H. (1995)

Oblate Sisters of Providence - O.S.P. (1829)

Oblates Of Mary Immaculate - O.M.I. (1816)

Oblates of St. Joseph - O.S.J. (1878)

Oblates Of The Virgin Mary - O.M.V. (1827)

Olivetans (Order of Our Lady of Mount Olivet) (1313)

Oratorians (Oratory of St. Philip Neri) - C.O., Cong. Orat. (1500s)

Order of the Imitation of Christ - O.I.C. (1930)

Order of Sempringham (Gilbertines) - (1148-1538)

Order of St. Elisabeth O.S.E. (1622)

Pallottines (Society of the Catholic Apostolate) - S.A.C. (1835)

Paris Foreign Missions Society (Missions Etrangères de Paris) - M.E.P. (1658)

Passionists (Congregation of the Passion) - C.P. (1720)

Passionist Sisters (1850s) Patrician Brothers - F.S.P. (1808)

Pauline Fathers (Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit) - O.S.P.P.E. (1250) P

aulist Fathers (Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle) - C.S.P. (1858)

Piarists (Clerics Regulars Poors of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools) - Sch.P. (1617)

Pious Disciples of the Divine Master - P.D.D.M. (1924)

Pontifical Congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of the Reparation of the Holy Face (1950)

Poor Clares (Nuns of the Order of St. Clare/(Order of Poor Ladies) - O.S.C. (1212)

Poor Clare Nuns - Joliet, Ill. Poor Clares of Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara, Calif. Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration (1854)

Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon - Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (1129-1312) Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - P.B.V.M. (1775)

Presentation Brothers - F.P.M. (1802)

Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter - F.S.S.P. (1988)

Putri Karmel (1982)

Racine Dominican Sisters (1862)

Redemptorists (Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer) - C.Ss.R. (1732)

Les Religieuses de Notre-Dame-du-Sacre-Coeur (Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada) (1924) Religious of the Assumption - R.A. (1839)

Religious of Christian Education - (1817)

Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary - R.S.H.M. (1849)

Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan - R.S.M. Religious Sisters of Charity (1815)

Resurrectionists - C.R. (1836)

Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus - R.C.J. (1897)

Rosminians (Institute of Charity) - I.C. (1828)

Salesians of St. John Bosco - S.D.B. (1857)

Salesian Sisters (Daughters of Mary Help of Christian) - F.M.A. (1872)

Salvatorians (Society of the Divine Savior) - S.D.S. (1881)

Salvatorians (Basilian Salvatorian Order - A Melkite Community) - bso (1724)

(Always Lower-Cased) School Sisters of Christ the King (1976)

School Sisters of Notre Dame - S.S.N.D. (1833)

School Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis (1873)

Servites (Order of Friars, Servants of Mary) - O.S.M. (1233)

Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters (1847)

Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood - R.P.G. (1861)

Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest (2004)

Sisters of Adoration, Slaves of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity (1850)

Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel (1870)

Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (1891)

Sisters of the Cenacle - r.c. (1826)

Sisters of Charity - S.C. (1633)

Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomaea Capitanio & Vincenza Gerosa, Milan, Itlay - SCCG

(1832) Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (1829)

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (1858)

Sisters of Charity of New York (1846) S

isters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - B.V.M. (1831)

Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (St. John, New Brunswick, Canada) (1854)

Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (1866)

Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (1803)

Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy (South Carolina) (1829)

Sisters of Charity of Providence - SP (1844)

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth (1859)

Sisters of Charity Federation in the Vincentian-Setonian Tradition Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul - Halifax (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) (1849)

Vincentian Sisters of Charity (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (1902)

Sisters of the Destitute (Kerala, India) (1927)

Sisters of the Divine Compassion (1886)

Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill (Pennsylvania) (1870)

Sisters of the Holy Cross - C.S.C. (1837)

Sisters of the Holy Family (1837)

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth (1875)

Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary - S.N.J.M. (1844)

Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres Sisters of Jesus, Our Hope Sisters of Life - S.V. (1991)

Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist - O.P. (1997)

Sisters of Mercy - R.S.M. (1831)

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur - S.N.D., S.N.D. de N. (1803)

Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (1862)

Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods - S.P. (1840)

Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul (Kingston) - S.P.

Sisters of La Retraite Sisters of Saint Agnes (1858)

Sisters of Saint Dorothy Sisters of Saint Elizabeth (1842)

Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (1849)

Sisters of St Francis of the Martyr St George - F.S.G.M. (1869)

Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity (1835)

Sisters of Saint Francis of Rochester, Minnesota (1877)

Sisters of St Joseph (AKA Sisters of Saint Joseph of Medaille) - C.S.J. (1650)

Sisters of Saint Joseph of Bourg or S.S.J. (1650)

Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambéry (1812) S

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (1884)

Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart - S.S.J. (1866)

Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis (1901)

Sisters of Saint Martha (Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada) (1900)

Sisters of St Rita (1911) Sisters of St Therese of the Child Jesus (St Therese Sisters - Tanzania) - S.S.Th. Sisters of Social Service - S.S.S. (1926)

Sisters of the Visitation - Sisters of the Visitation, Toledo, Ohio (1610)

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - I.H.M. (1845)

Sisters, Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará - S.S.V.M. (1988)

Sisters, Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Cresson, PA; Poland; Vatican City) - S.S.C.J. (1894)

Society of African Missions (Societas Missionum ad Afros) - S.M.A. (1850)

Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls (1856)

Society of the Holy Child Jesus - S.H.C.J. (1846)

Society of Jesus(Jesuits) - S.J.or S.I. (1534)

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity - S.O.L.T. (1958)

Society of St. Edmund S.S.E. (1843)

Society of Saint Paul - S.S.P. (1914)

Society of the Sacred Heart - R.S.C.J. (1800)

Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Order of Malta) - S.M.O.M. (1099)

Spiritans or Holy Ghost Fathers (Congregation of the Holy Ghost) - C.S.Sp. (1703)

Stigmatines (Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata) - C.S.S. (1816)

Sulpician Fathers (Society of Saint Sulpice) - S.S., P.S.S. (1642)

Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis - Cameroon (1700)

Teutonic Order (1190)

Theatines (Congregation of Clerics Regular) - C.R. (1524)

Theatines Nuns (Congregation of Theatines of Immaculate Conception) - T.I.C. (1633)

Trappists (Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance) - O.C.R., O.C.S.O. (1662)

Trinitarians (Order of the Most Holy Trinity) - O.SS.T. (1194)

Ursulines (Ursuline Nuns of the Roman Union) - O.S.U. (1535)

Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity - M.V.D.F. (1963)

Viatorians (Clerics of Saint Viator) - C.S.V. (1831)

Heralds of the Gospel ( Virgo Flos Carmeli and Regina Virginum) -

E.P. (February 22, 2001) Vincentian Congregation (VC) (1904)

Visitation Nuns - Sisters of the Visitation, Toledo, Ohio (1610) (Visitation Nuns - Second Federation of the Visitation Order) (1610)

Vocationists (The Society of Divine Vocations) - S.D.V. (1927)

White Fathers - M.Afr. (1868) Xaverian Brothers - C.F.X. (1839)

Xaverian Missionaries (Missionary Society of St. Francis Xavier) - S.X. (1895)


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